For the dots! Respond in thread with your price in Plat and/or non-scale Large ingredients.
For the dots! Respond in thread with your price in Plat and/or non-scale Large ingredients.
Hacck Man - TR THF Barb, Ironlion Zion- Heavy Pick TWF Barb, TheNuclear Option - Human PM TR in progress, Ironheals - Angainor build FVS. Ironinvests - Politics specced Hagglebard.
Ascent - Argonessen
I'm 3 levels away![]()
Glenalth Woodwalke ■ Preston the Ranger ■ Brisqoe the Dentist ■ Prescription Liberator
AoK @ Argonnessen
Generously donated to me by a guildie - Thanks Rner!
Hacck Man - TR THF Barb, Ironlion Zion- Heavy Pick TWF Barb, TheNuclear Option - Human PM TR in progress, Ironheals - Angainor build FVS. Ironinvests - Politics specced Hagglebard.
Ascent - Argonessen