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  1. #1
    Community Member somenewnoob's Avatar
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    May 2006

    Default Guild is disbanding, looking for new home

    My current guild is breaking up, was a small guild to begin with, and I'm looking for a new home for my toons. I have 4 characters levels 4-16, I would like to keep them all together if possible.

    My playstyle:

    CASUAL. I play a lot (Which has led me to great proficiency in using my real life diplomacy skill to shed spouse aggro!) but I don't like "mandatory" anything. It's a game and I play it to have fun. I have "mandatory" things I do in real life, it's called work. I play mostly on weekend mornings and afternoons (EST) and for short spurts weekday evenings. I am a big explorer and adventurer, I like to run EVERY quest, do all the explorers and rares in a wilderness zone, I am not much of a farmer or zerger and I don't like grinding too much. (Because that makes a game fall into the realm of work) but do on occasion farm a bit. (I'm talkin to YOU Into the Deep!! Stupid belt!) I am an adult, I act like one (most of the time!). And I prefer to be around others who are also mature and respectful of others.

    I like to do raids, which was one of the downsides of a small guild since we couldn't get a raid party (or half a party) together. Flagged for Titan, ADQ, VON and working on Reaver right now (With Abbott on the to do list after that). Also run Chrono and Tempest when I can. I like to group with people in regular quests alot, usually when I log on the first thing I do is check the lfm's to see who's doing what, however the first time I do a quest I like to go solo a lot of times because I like to take my time and sniff around, find everything, break everything, die a few times from disarming traps with my face, etc.

    What I'm looking for:

    A decent sized guild, with people who play on the weekends when I play the most. Members shouldn't be concerned with the size of their e-peen or how spectacularly leet they are. They should just like to have fun! (You CAN be concerned about your e-peen long as you don't feel the need to let ME know how awesome it is.)

    An airship is's not the buffs I's just that I've found out I am too stinking lazy to walk from house to house! Seriously! I can't remember the last time I went from the harbor > Marketplace> one of the houses walking! Even with the House P pendant.......It just takes too long!

    So if there are any guild's out there looking for casual and active players, let me know. I've been looking into a couple I've seen and know of and where other members of my current guild are going, but am always open to other options.

    I have 4 toons I'd like to bring over:

    Kharton (16 f) my main
    Crysalindra (7 cleric)
    Threnor (4 wiz/1 rogue) new guy
    Thraxxor (4 barb) another new guy

    So if you are looking and I sound like a good fit, post, send a pm, smoke signals, telepathic message, or contact me in game.

    If you feel like running anything with me, get to know me, (careful, I'm dangerous, I did blow myself up on the Irestone Inlet boat!) right now Kharton is going to be running some Gianthold quests for Reaver flagging, and the other ones in there too, Crysalindra is doing some Fens quests, and the other 2 lowbies are just doing harbor/marketplace elites.

    Thanks for reading!
    Last edited by somenewnoob; 07-08-2011 at 12:41 PM.

  2. #2
    Community Member somenewnoob's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2006


    Thanks to all for the interest, I found a new home!

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