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  1. #1
    Community Member phayth's Avatar
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    Oct 2009

    Default Hella Pro #1 WORLDWIDE for June

    Grats guys, we have been in the top 5 every month since inception. Straight up raiding and crushing it, no gimmicks!
    Also Thanks to all our friends and the guys from Ordo Draconis, you help make our raids run as smooth as if they were full guild and we get a lot of laughs.
    Last edited by phayth; 07-03-2011 at 06:30 AM.
    Phayth Divine
    Legendary Cleric of Cannith
    Darkphayth - Wiz * Unchained - first 20 Horc on any server * Grudgewrath - Barb * Phaythaholic - just Because *

  2. #2
    Community Member Zerkul's Avatar
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    Jul 2009


    If Ordo wasn't an italian speaking guild probably we would have ended to be in the same guild everyone. I always feel home when raiding with you guys i bet every Ordo does.

    Daxi sucks .
    Last edited by Zerkul; 07-03-2011 at 06:59 AM.
    Guild Leader of "GODS - Guardians Of the Dragon Sanctuary" on Cannith --- My Characters: Zavarthak (20 Barbarian Frenzied/Ravager DPS - MAIN), Ryumajin (Warlock,), Leohands (Evocation FVS firstlife), Galvano (Paladin TWF). - If you like or find useful my posts, consider adding reputation.

  3. #3
    Community Member mutilador's Avatar
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    Oct 2009


    Yay Ryu, ty. We love you too and all Ordo but Lijin.

  4. #4
    Community Member knightgf's Avatar
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    Jun 2008


    I find this to be a disturbing trend everywhere...guilds can suddenly form out of nowhere and steal the lead faster than you can say fuuuuu......Maybe I should do that, form up a guild out of nothing, and somehow blow though everyone, ending up in the lead with everyone going, "*** happened?"

    Well, that being said, congrats! I guess guilds do reincarnate, don't they? And they tend to get better as well, much like TR builds.

  5. #5
    Community Member phayth's Avatar
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    Oct 2009


    Form out of nowhere? We've had the same guildies and were level 71 before we started over. We are just Reclaiming what was ours to begin with. Same team different name.
    Phayth Divine
    Legendary Cleric of Cannith
    Darkphayth - Wiz * Unchained - first 20 Horc on any server * Grudgewrath - Barb * Phaythaholic - just Because *

  6. #6
    Community Member Noelemahc's Avatar
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    Dec 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by knightgf View Post
    I find this to be a disturbing trend everywhere...guilds can suddenly form out of nowhere and steal the lead faster than you can say fuuuuu......Maybe I should do that, form up a guild out of nothing, and somehow blow though everyone, ending up in the lead with everyone going, "*** happened?"

    Well, that being said, congrats! I guess guilds do reincarnate, don't they? And they tend to get better as well, much like TR builds.
    I find this to be a disturbing trend everywhere... people talk and voice opinions without having all the facts. It seems that no matter what you post, whether it be something to congratulate someone, criticism, a trade, etc there will always be someone to complain about it and say the opposite just for the sake of arguing or being negative. Envy and spite are an ugly thing.

    We've been at the top since we started, and we're going to stay at the top. Great job to everyone for keeping on track and making the guild what it is. It's good having a group of the same guys making up the core of the guild for as long as we've been around. You just don't find that around much anymore.

    Server: Cannith | Guild: Hella Pro (Leader) | Characters: Allistore - 20 Wizard, Althina - 20 Ranger, Allegora - 20 Paladin, Allyssan - 20 Favored Soul, Laurandel - 20 Wizard, Terree - 20 Barbarian, Elohym - 20 Sorcerer, Lawldps - 20 Monk

  7. #7
    Community Member
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    Sep 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by zerkul View Post
    if Ordo Wasn't An Italian Speaking Guild Probably We Would Have Ended To Be In The Same Guild Everyone. I Always Feel Home When Raiding With You Guys I Bet Every Ordo Does.

    Daxi Sucks :d.
    >: (
    Axidlily (20wizard), Axid (20paladin), Daxi (20fvs), Xida (12fighter/6barb/2rogue)
    Hella Pro - Cannith

  8. #8
    Community Member esheep's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by phayth View Post
    We've had the same guildies and were level 71 before we started over. We are just Reclaiming what was ours to begin with. Same team different name.
    Pardon me, not trying to argue (no benefit to that), but when you say started over, do you mean split from Loot? Just trying to follow...

    Quote Originally Posted by Noelemahc View Post
    It's good having a group of the same guys making up the core of the guild for as long as we've been around.
    Same as before... no benefit to arguing, just trying to follow what is being said. You make it sound like Hella Pro has been around forever, and granted many members probably have, but as a chartered guild? I know most of you ran together before... but how long has Hella Pro actually been chartered? You make it sound like years...

  9. #9
    Community Member Alkindus's Avatar
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    Jan 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by esheep View Post
    Pardon me, not trying to argue (no benefit to that), but when you say started over, do you mean split from Loot? Just trying to follow...

    Same as before... no benefit to arguing, just trying to follow what is being said. You make it sound like Hella Pro has been around forever, and granted many members probably have, but as a chartered guild? I know most of you ran together before... but how long has Hella Pro actually been chartered? You make it sound like years...
    A huge portion of our members were previously in Loot, probablly about 80%. Everyone else came from other guilds. Hella Pro was founded ~6 months ago, give or take a month.
    Children / Zeya / Tyremus / Inspiring

  10. #10
    Community Member phayth's Avatar
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    Oct 2009


    Yeah its been about 5+ months, only 3 were accepted that werent in LOOT with us previously. It's nice knowing your whole guild and everyone in it.

    9 more to go
    Phayth Divine
    Legendary Cleric of Cannith
    Darkphayth - Wiz * Unchained - first 20 Horc on any server * Grudgewrath - Barb * Phaythaholic - just Because *

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