Hi my character is a half-elf Cleric / fighter 3/1 and I tried to follow a build set that didnt mention them and I've gone a bit wrong and want to know if its salvageable by taking toughness at lev 6 or at all.
Str 16
Dex 10
Con 16
Int 08
Wis 18
Chr 08
Balance 2 2 0 0
Concentration 5.5 2.5 3 0
Power Attack
2 Handed Fighting
Zen Archery (couldn't find anything better to take as wouldnt give me toughness) took Fighter at lev 4
Follower of Sovereign Host
Fighter Critical Accuracy 1
Human Improved recovery 1
Human Versatility 2
Improved Heal
Cleric Life Magic 1
Cleric Wisdom 1
HP 66
SP 228
The build I tried to follow is
Warpriest of Siberys (L19 Cleric/L1 Fighter)
Concept: Cleric who is able to contribute to melee damage, while remaining a decent healer and offensive spellcaster
Original path's flaws: Going sword and board (which is not a long term viable way to contribute in melee), giving up too much offensive spellcasting (some level-up points in Str, no Maximize), and no Toughness
Main fixes: Going two-handed fighting for higher damage output (splashing Fighter for proficiencies and an extra feat), with more HPs and better offensive spellcasting abilities
Multi-class progression <- click for more info: Create your character as a Cleric, then take your second level as Fighter, then levels 3 to 20 as Cleric
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral, Chaotic Good, Neutral, Neutral Good, Lawful Neutral, Lawful Good
Stats and Race (28/32 pt):
........Drow.....Dwarf......Elf.....Halfling...Hum an...Warforged.
.Str.....16........16........16........14........1 6........16....
.Dex.....10........8.........10........10........1 0........8.....
.Int.....10........10........10........10........8 .........10....
.Wis.....16........16........16........16........1 6........14....
.Cha.....10........6.........8.........8.........8 .........6.....
Ability increase every 4 levels: All in Wis.
Skills: At character creation, max out Concentration, get one rank in Tumble and spend the rest into Balance. On further levels spend your two skill points in Concentration and Balance.
Feats (by level), except Human: Toughness (1), Power Attack (2), Extend (3), Empower Healing (6), Maximize (9), Improved Critical: Slash (12), Quicken (15), Two-Handed Fighting (18)
Feats (by level), Human: Toughness (1), Extend (1), Power Attack (2), Empower Healing (3), Maximize (6), Quicken (9), Improved Critical: Slash (12), Two-Handed Fighting (15), Spell Penetration (18)
Special note: The feat progresion for all races was modified on 2010/10/06 to be able to pick the Radiant Servant enhancement line earlier. If you started this build prior to this date, you can find the old feat progression to follow in this post.
For more information about picking enhancements please read this post.
Enhancements (Cleric): Divine Vitality I, Energy of the Zealot I, Follower of the Sovereign Host, Heal II, Improved Spell Penetration I, Improved Turning I, Life Magic III, Prayer of Incredible Life II, Prayer of Life II, Radiant Servant II, Unyielding Sovereignty, Wand and Scroll Mastery II, Wisdom II
Enhancements (Figther): Haste Boost I, Toughness I
Enhancements (Drow): Racial Toughness II
Enhancements (Dwarf): Axe Attack II, Axe Damage II, Constitution I, Faith I, Racial Toughness II, Spell Defense II
Enhancements (Elf): Racial Toughness II, Valenar Elf Melee Attack II, Valenar Elf Melee Damage II
Enhancements (Halfling): Cunning II, Guile II, Hero's Companion III, Luck (Fortitude) I, Luck (Reflex) I, Racial Toughness II
Enhancements (Human): Adaptability Strength I, Improved Recovery I, Racial Toughness II, Versatility III
Enhancements (Warforged): Combat Training I, Constitution I, Great Weapon Aptitude II, Hardiness I, Healer's Friend I, Racial Toughness II