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  1. #1
    Community Member Zeronomous's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2009

    Default Selling/Trading Large Guild Slot Gear, Lrg Devil Scales, Epic Scrolls and More

    Quick list of what I want to get rid of
    ************************************************** ***********
    **Large Guild Slot Items :


    (400k or 1 Large Devil Scale each)
    ************************************************** ***********
    **1 Large Devil Scale

    (400k each)
    ************************************************** ***********
    **Greater Essence (1500 or so to sell)

    600pp each
    ************************************************** ***********
    **Oddball Stuff

    Black Dragon Scale (90k)
    Lightning Split Soarwood (75k)
    Greater Efficacy V Clicky Scepter, Bugged stacked, MLVL13 (Make an offer)
    (5th level and lower spells by 40%, 6/day)
    ************************************************** ***********

    *Master Transmuter's Staff (1 Red/700k or best offer)
    >>>MLVL12, Int+6, Superior Potency VI, Greater Trans Focus, Concentration+10, Disintegrate 3/day
    *Boot's of the Innocent (1 Red/700k or best offer)
    >>>MLVL11, Striding 15%, Resistance Saves +5
    ************************************************** ***********
    **Epic Scrolls

    Scroll of the Tinder (100k or Large Ingredient)
    Scroll of the Chainmail Coif (100k or Large Ingredient)
    Scroll of the Stonemeld Plate (100k or Large Ingredient)
    Scroll of the Shard of Vollun (100k or Large Ingredient)
    Scroll of the Mirage (100k or Large Ingredient)
    Scroll of the Adherents Pendant (100k or Large Ingredient)
    Scroll of the Mummy Wrappings + Matching Item (100k or Large Ingredient)
    Scroll of the Coronation Shield + Matching Item (100k or Large Ingredient)
    Scroll of the Tourney Armor + Matching Item (100k or Large Ingredient)
    Scroll of the Fullplate of the Ringleader (Make Offer)
    Scroll of the Unkor's Cleaver (Make Offer)
    Scroll of the Ruby Encrusted Gauntlets (100k or Large Ingredient)
    ************************************************** ***********
    In Game Character Names : Carfula /// Fannypack
    Last edited by Zeronomous; 07-08-2011 at 04:22 AM.

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