Dear 420,
every game HAS TO BE for CASUAL PLAYERS if it wants to stay in operation. at least every mmo does. you
can run your own game out of your basement and make it as hardcore as you want but you probably won't make
a dime off of it.
i've been a "casual player" for over 4 years now. by casual I mean actual time spent in the game on a daily
or weekly basis. i've completed hundreds if not thousands of raids. so please, don't try to tar all casual
players with the same brush.
On Topic,
I don't think that this change marks the death of the casual player in ddo. it will significantly alter the difference
between the haves and have-nots though.
I do not believe that Turbine/Warner bro's have a coherent plan for the future of ddo based upon their recent
decisions and actions. it's almost like there isn't any comms between the development team. either that
or they're just playing games with their playerbase

seems to me that crafting is a seat of the pants project. and it's looking more and more like a seat of
the pants where ya don't make it to the potty in time project.
New players will be in the same boat they always were:
so far behind that the only viable method of catching up is to join a guild and mooch off them until you can
carry your own weight.