Can anyone link how much plat you get from deconstructing items?
Possibly the amount for each level of effect (plat for a level 1 decon; plat for a level 5 decon)
Can anyone link how much plat you get from deconstructing items?
Possibly the amount for each level of effect (plat for a level 1 decon; plat for a level 5 decon)
See this is the change that has me scratching my head the most. Either its going to be almost nothing (just enough to pay for decon materials), in which case why bother, or its going to be lots, in which case why would the devs mess with an awesome plat sink that this game seriously needs?
Star Firefall
20 Rogue Assasin
Currently on life 42 of 42 (Final Life!)
Hopefully the plat is based on a total value scale, so for example if you have the choice to decon betweem a level 5 fire and a level 1 law... then you choose the fire and you get a little tiny bit from giving up the law... Items where you have only 1 choice, say level 5 fire you do not get any plat... Items where you have to choose between level 5 fire and level 5 law should yield the most plat IMO.
But I do not think it was a great idea from the beggining, considering that plat is in abundance and never really used, why do we need more of it?
I guess some newbies were complaining, who knows.
I can't imagine why. All my characters are level 10 or less - and I've never had an easier time making money. Virtually anything can be sold on the AH for 100pp, when you used to get 10 from a vendor. There are so many collectibles you can auction now, my characters are swimming in plat.
Ironically, there's nothing on the AH or at the pawnshops that I want to buy.
I would have rather they just gottten rid of the decon materials and saved plat that way.
Last edited by Carpone; 07-07-2011 at 06:38 PM.
Khyber: Ying-1, Kobeyashi, Nichevo-1 | 75 million Reaper XP
Crunched 10 items (of various levels all level 4-5 arcane/good returns)
Received anywhere from 80-420 plat per item.
Weapons seemed to give more than other stuff, but with only 10 items didn't really have a wide enough selection
to give a definitive answer.
BowHealer - The "Healer with legendary CC"-project:
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I think the idea is that you can go completely broke if you decon everything. I actually had to stop deconstructing everything since I was running low on plat for repairs. I was broke before I started anyhow but thats my fault :-/
Only when scrollfarming (and thus dying occasionally while not looting chests) do I ever really spend more on repairs than I get from vendorable scrolls, arrows, chest cash and other non-disenchantables.
I like the plat sink of Cannith Crafting - finally, platinum is actually becoming worth something. If you wanted a Bloodstone pre-crafting, you might need to sell the vendor loot from 1200-1500 high level chests to get enough plat to buy one. Now, it's more like 600-800 high level chests, or 300-400 if you trade off essences you loot and take the time to disenchant everything you looted that disenchants well.
I don't have a zerging problem.
I'm zerging. That's YOUR problem.
I don't think the plat from decons are for those that are epic scroll farming. I just meant the point is that for a new character you can decon and still get some plat for basic functions.
My TR blew his plat (on something .. . ??) and so I had to stop deconning to repair and buy a few consumables.
♣ A Baker's dozen in the Prophets of the New Republic and Fallen Heroes. ♣
Abaigeal(TrBd25), Ailiae(TrDrd2), Ambyre(Rgr25), Amilia(Pl20), Einin(TrRgr25), Emili(TrFgt25), Heathier(TrClc22), Kynah(TrMnk25), Meallach(Brb25), Misbehaven(TrArt22), Myara(Rog22), Rosewood(TrBd25) and Sgail(TrWiz20) little somethings with flavour 'n favour
i dont want plat...i want the machine spitting dreamspitters from GLOB weapons
Seems like a foolish change, even if you decon everything, you still wouldn't run out of plat unless you die a bunch, and besides its not like its hard to sell those mat you just got by deconstructing everything. Well, this patch is full of absurd changes, whats one more?
I think it would fit the theme better if instead of cash it gave you 'scrap wood', 'scrap iron', 'scrap mithral', etc. and a few gems (maybe the sword had an emerald in the hilt?), which you could then sell to any vendor. Maybe the scraps could fit in the gem bag too.
Also, anyone got any actual stats yet on this? Is it affected by Haggle?
Author of Info Blue UI Skin (Really wish Turbine would update the skinning interface and enable all the new UI parts.)
If you don't have an SSD, you should be using DDOPreload (fixes the slow first login issue)