i am definitely ****ed off. so if i understand it well, i ve made my high lvl crafter only to be forced to run every raid for loot i dont need, only to be able to use my high crafting level?
whats the idea of using BtC loot to make unbound shards?
And i dont really take the argument crafting shouldnt produce stronger items than named ones, cause it devaluete them. imho getting those named ones takes as much effort or less than get crafting to top levels.
most of raid items or named loot have nice abilities on unusual spot and thats one of things that make them cool which u never get on crafted items. there are some unique powers which made it to crafting list, let make those expensive and hard to obtain but greater banes that can drop on any random loot? why?
i wasnot complaining bout crafting system till now, as imho it was nice addition, but with this one change it seems definitelly dead for me