See developers, you brought out this crafting thing which had a ton of potential. And yea it was severely broken in many areas, but anyone who's played this game for a reasonable amount of time knows your QA department consists of the 2 stoners at the gas station down the street and the 1 eyed monkey you trained to use a keyboard, so it was expected. And it was expected that over times some of it might actually get fixed. Now you've literally just pushed most who are close enough to craft what they want, to grind until they get high enough lvl to craft said shards and never touch crafting again.
So for the love of a system that has a ton of potential, put down the paraphernalia, remove heads from rears, and reevaluate your patch.
This is so gonna end up on live though, so let the grind begin!
Cannith: Stinko Asuraan Compiled Passing Nhines Peterfile Bhardaficer Sacrifices Splooosh~LiT
You know this brings me to another point, while we are bashing the chattering ring.
Maybe spend a few days fixing the worst area ever created in this game and then people might actually buy the /failraid that is titan.
If i didnt know better and bought this pack as one of my 1st i would most likely quit playing that day. The whole set sould be permantly put on sale for 1tp because thats what its worth.
Gasoline(tr) Favored Soul - 5th Life
Deadwall(tr) - Soul Survivor - 2nd Life
Gasolinex - Pale Master
Gasomatic Systematic - Bard
Was talking to an RL friend that I regularly play Vindictus with... Until now, we thought Vindictus had the worst and most pointless crafting system we'd ever seen.
That title now easily belongs to DDO's cannith system, and mathematicians will have to work hard to possibly come up with a worse crafting system for a game.
Imperium Sacrum, Thelanis
If you aren't playing with others, you're just playing with yourself.
Aachener Arcanabot Bayerische Burgundian Etaijin Hannoverian Holsteinian Koelner Liladrache Pzkpfwiiil Savoyer Schlesien Silesian Tyrolean Westphalian
Community Member
The crafting portion of this 10.1 patch has to be one of if not THE worst in the history of bad decisions in all of the MMOs that I have played, and I have played quite a handful.
Some of the changes in there are great: Mobs not casting 1,000 magic missiles at you, VON6 fixes/shrine, stuff usable directly from ingredients bag, necrotic blast not destroying webs (Hey, thumbs up to all of these!)
As much as I like the above mentioned fixes, it would be extremely disappointing if the crafting bits of this patch were to ever make it live.
I can see that it's a logical marketing decision to implement stuff across all the various packs into the crafting to boost pack sales. However, it seems obvious that these changes were thought out by a marketing team who had their focus on increasing sales, without considering that these changes could inadvertently result in a loss of sales via people abandoning the game at the end of the day.
I am fully expecting that 10.1 going live is going to upset a lot of people both new and old. New players will find the entire system inaccessible and just decide early on that this game is not for them and move on to another game. While older 'elitist' players who already know how difficult it is to obtain a lot of the loot that is now part of the crafting system will be fuming at the huge amount of extra grind needed to achieve their 'perfect' gear and decide it's just not worth the time investment anymore. I suspect this might be the straw that breaks the camel's back for a large amount of the player base thus causing them to leave.
A better way this entire marketing plan could have been done without upsetting the entire community was to slowly trickle in bits and pieces of requirements from different packs. Not a sudden huge revamp that would massively upset the entire economic system in DDO.
If anyone here uses digg, and recalls not too recently about how the entire digg community literally abandoned the website overnight after digg made some really bad decisions in a site revamp. Most of it's users migrated to reddit, digg was left barren and was never ever able to win back it's users.
Well I do hope that DDO does not suffer a backlash in that direction that digg took as it has been a really enjoyable game thus far in the few years that I have played it.
What is the point of a preview server, if even after so much negative feedback from the community a patch is rolled out without taking into consideration the feedback from it's users?
I do urge the good people at Turbine to rethink what they are about to do.
The repercussions might be a lot greater expected.
Fight the good fight!
Axidlily (20wizard), Axid (20paladin), Daxi (20fvs), Xida (12fighter/6barb/2rogue)
Hella Pro - Cannith
Jonalicia,20th Assassin Jonndar, 20th Assassin Jonitillus, 20th Assassin TR1 Jonnor, 20th Exploiter Jonfar,20th Pale Master TR2 Jonatron, 20th Pale Master Jonitillius, 20th Assassin Jonnbar,20th Assassin Fine Antique Leg Wear Night of the Devourer Unofficial STR-based Rogue Guide
I consider myself a hard core player, with a toon who is on his 5th life, trying to experiment all classes to became a completionist.
So far crafting was somehow useful, ive deconstructed all the loot ive found, to get me to lvl 42/38/38, and have been able to craft me some useful tools to level like a +1 holy of lesser undead bane or an acid of bleeding sword, so Im using it as it should be, a nice addition of the game.
However, this change to the crafting mechanics totally kills the system, having to use tomes, to pay for astral diamonds or to use raid loot is totally absurd.
So far my character havent found a single chattering ring on his 5 lives, even if he has ran the titan raid countless times, a CHATTERING RING for a halfling bane??? WHAT where you thinking?
Is on Lamania PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE listen to us, kill this pathch.
1. The items are min lvl higher than normal found loot (Acceptable if the grinding is as it is right now, no as it is proposed).
2. Festival and alchemical rituals increases the min lvl for crafted, and no normal loot (this should not be, it has to be like normal loot).
2. Why not use other items like pearls, lili petals, nightshade, or other collectibles to make it harder to craft certain recipes, or use certain items to craft, for example: to make a holy shard, ask for a weapon with holy on it, as Fernando told us in the press releases, instead of ridiculous raid loot.
Please devs, hear yor player base, hear us. STOP THIS INSANITY.
Escape from XORIAT!!!, THIS IS INSANE!!!
Instead of what u are proposing, why not ask for soul gems, they are worthless so far, so they might be great for crafting.
50 SoulStone of fire elementals: for elemental bane, etc.
Just trying to beeing proposal. THIS CHANGE IS AWFUL
Community Member
Raid loot is a bad idea and so is all the other stuff.. A lot of players are only caught up in the raid loot aspect and it is overshadowing a ton of other stuff that needs to be looked at. Madfloyd already stated the dreamspitter and other raid loot was a mistake and will not be used!!!!. But what about the other stuff???
Invader named items. Last time i checked these were very rare. When is the last time you saw a named item drop from there. I have horrible luck from invaders. been after beholder optic nerves for ages. never seen any other named stuff even drop on a ton of runs.. I think i saw a Garzuul bane drop a year ago or something, ONCE! and it was no for me..
The silver flame potion for holy burst really bugs me. This is a crafting breaker for me.. By making this a requirement for holy burst They kinda limit it to bound to character. I only have one character with silver flame potions unlocked and it was a hella grind to get them. and this character is not my main crafter. So i would have to start over from scratch and level him up to 65-70 in order to make a darned holyburst shard!!!!!. My main crafter is my fvs who is level 58,57,49. My character who has the silver flame healing potions is my barbarian 0,0,0! That is a whole lot of grinding for nothing a ton of us just did if they go thru with some of the suggested changes in patch 10.1.
I hate necro quests. even on my fvs. Doing everything once on elite on my barb was enough for me to get so sick of necro i never want to do it again... I had done everything in necro on my first life on my fvs. not on elite but on norm to flag for the raid. then i TR'd. lost my sigil pieces and never bothered doing it again. The sigil grind for litany is enough to drive someone mad. Everytime i reincarnate i lose these sigil pieces i have. This is big problem and now it will effect crafting as well...
This crafting patch is a big mess Turbine. Leave the crafting as is and go work on update 11.
Last edited by badbob117; 07-07-2011 at 07:45 PM.
Born to play, Forced to work !
Nope. Not even close. A logical marketing decision to boost sales is to advertise, market the product, and of course MAKE a GOOD PRODUCT.
In no way is this a good marketing decision. I just bought the biggest point pack, why? Because it was a good deal and I like the game. I spent it on adventure packs, why? Because they were on sale and I want to play new content.
Whatever this absurdity is they're trying to do with 10.1, it's NOT logical, and it's NOT marketing.
In the now famous words of Maddox, "Terrible. F."
Oh, and I'm not trying to trash axidlily.. just using the quote for illustration.
Originally Posted by Towrn
get rid of the unbound crafting and leave it the way it is.. if someones wants to get their crafting levels up high enuff to make twink gear for trs then let them.. isnt that the whole point? make people play over and over again?
Nindyn vel'uss kyorl nind ratha thalra elghinn dal lil alust.
"Those who watch their backs meet death from the front."
It is inconceivable how bad this change is.
It is inconceivable that nothing can be done to keep it from being implemented.
Who, specifically, is the person that is authorizing turning on patch 10.1 knowing that it has such a terrible, system-breaking change in it? Someone has this authority, and I would like to personally address this person.
You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.
There is no logical reasoning behind this at all......except Turbine wants a huge timesink.
Not necessary......shards costing more essences is fine.....I am absolutely NOT farming rare loot to make items tho.
Sorry Turbine....this is ********.....there is no NICE way to put it......your powers of extremism never cease to amaze is either insanely hard or stupidly easy...but very rarely ever actually BALANCED.
That being said I still love the rest of the game......but I will not have anything to do with crafting until it's proper. LoTRO has a great crafting system.......why is a game made by the same company so lacking in using successful components from it's other games. Now if you plan on making this loot needed like 50-75% drop rates that is fine.
Oh well...even I said it, this crafting system wasn't needed me more time to focus on getting already useable rare loot and making GS....I do hope this gets adjusted soon tho....if it doesn't it really won't be a game breaker tho......don't you dare touch the items I already crafted tho...I put in the time.
Last edited by vVAnjilaVv; 07-07-2011 at 08:13 PM.
Why the seeming obsession with things that are already very valuable? Like why devil scales rather than say chains or something, why blue dragon scales rather than white or black? Why not collectables and items the are rare, but worthless because they have no current use?
How exactly are the value of tomes threatened by custom crafting? Seems like these are more of a ploy to increase store sales.
Are banes really so powerful that they need to be absurdly annoying to craft to the point where the average player says "Screw this, I'll just go make another greensteel item!"?
Up to this point crafting has been pretty neat. We could make items that are not "the bestest thing evers" but were decent without having to rely on the unreliable whims of the loot gods. Its a big grind at the higher levels, but you can make steady progress just by playing. The planned changes pushes it into the realm of grinds like epic gear where everyone already has better stuff anyway, except maybe for monks who have been traditionally starved of decent handwraps.
I agree with this completely. I'd love to hear from the person that just has to release this mess of a patch instead of holding it back a bit. I can accept that mistakes were made and I look forward to seeing what the real patch 10.1 will look like, but rushing it out to live right now is just a horrible horrible idea and whoever is responsible for that decision has to realize it's a bad one. If not, I'm not sure I can have any faith in the game anymore.
Kaarloe - Degenerate Matter - Argonnessen