Didn't even consider the leveling aspect, as I was just looking at making specific shards. It would depend on if their are enough recipes at higher levels to generate the xp needed for leveling. Having to grind for three Tenebrous Stilletos to move up my crafting level by one sounds like.....well, I can't think of anything that bad.
Sarlona: Stelvar, Stethos, Saltmint, Abbracadaver, Shaigh Hulud, Fujihowser MD, Soundwaive, Kuddlefish and some others
No way intentional? Can you explain that one a bit more? Did someone at Turbine just goof and plug in the wrong "item numbers" for crafting ingredients? Or did someone spike the coffee pot with everclear? How can something like this pass QA never mind the Mournlands? Using raid gear as crafting ingredients?!?!?! Make the high-end recipes more expensive... Great. I can see that. Make GEOB cost 5 large devil scales and 50 silver flame hymnals, whatever I don't care, you can grind for that... But raid loot? Seriously?
Officer of the Platinum Knights of Cannith, Founder of the guild GHOSTBANE of Cannith
Main - Death - Completionist and then some...
Other Characters - Holy, Leap, War, Optimusprime, Intimitank, Lanfear, Can, Afkbiobrb, Garagesale, Leverpuller and many more
You can't look at that LONG list of planned out recipes and then call it "a mistake". That would be a lie...or a vaguely worded dodge at best. It is clearly intended and, imo, a pretty lame direction for crafting.
Anyway, I'm not into crafting, so I'd like to say "I don't care" -- but since this change effects me even if I AVOID crafting, I guess I have to express my displeasure.
And who in the world is playing on mournlands? Maybe its time to round up another batch of actual players.
Bloody Cleaver or Adamantine Sickle I can understand, but Twinblade??
Whoever came up with this list clearly has no clue what players value. I am just glad I invested very little in crafting, as sure as hell I am not investing anything else now!
And yes, even if raid loot is removed from crafting, damage has been done. Now people will hoard it "just in case".
BTW, this is post #326. Out of preceding 325 posts, did even a single person think this is a good idea?
"Beauty is in the eye of the beholder."
"Of course it is. Are YOU going to question beholder's artistic sense?"
Politics is supposed to be the second oldest profession. I have come to realize that it bears a very close resemblance to the first. - Ronald Reagan
Honestly, how many... swords of the giant slave masters, say, do we find anyway? And how many people will want to craft this kind of thing or will have to in order to level up?
And why are there still no recipes which use the mystical quest reward items? As much as I love broccoli, I'm not going to take it over 500 guild renown or a major pot or a +2 tome or even some decent vendor trash WHEN IT ISN'T USED IN ANY RECIPE.
I mean, why not revamp collectable rewards so they're worthwhile and unique and use those in crafting too? You already did that with requiring the sickle for monstrous humanoid bane. Then you need collectables and collectable rewards, but at least those are pretty common and people would be encouraged to pick up the **** purple bags. My pulse is hardly set racing at the state of collectables right now.
Proud Recipient of At least 8 Negative Rep From NA Threads.
Main: Sharess
Alts: Avaril/Cyr/Cyrillia/Garagos/Inim/Lamasa/Ravella
Yes, please consider filling out a bug report on this. You can do that in-game, or on the forums here.
Have fun, and don't forget to gather for buffs!
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