So.. does this mean I shouldn't destroy my Min II scimis just yet?
Characters - Brion, Damerchant, Deathbot, Goode-, Minusten, Sepiriz, Spiritstrike, Stee, Steilh, Vorpaal, Wyllye, Yaga, Yagalicious, Yga. RIP - Catpizzle and Qazpe
Beware My Gifts!!!
Ok, I understand that some feel being able to craft better weapons than those that they spend a ton of time getting upsets them. I think they are a small minority of people but the squeaky wheel gets the grease. Making extremely rare raid loot required for something that I have no other chance of getting (as I don't raid and I don't have time to raid) is one of the dumbest things I think I've heard.
I'm having a very hard time staying in forums guidelines on this but what were they smoking and why aren't they sharing?
I would love to be able to play 24/7 like some people, but I am married and the wife doesn't like me playing for more than an hour a week. How the **** am I going to get enough rare loot to even craft something useful. This is totally pointless for me. Crafting was one thing I was looking forward to, I enjoy crafting things and trying to make weird combinations that work for me. Sure I know I'll never have a fire/holy/icey/slow burst vorpal longsword of paralyzing/superior potency vii/spell pen vii/everbright/seeker +8 but I can dream can't I?
Cannith - Falconsbane(8 - 3rd life), NeedOil (14), NeedMead, Needfood, hobbitarcher(5)
Sarlona - Zebidiahh (19.8), Anotherpers(20), Smurgh(16), Falconsbane(14), Needoil(15)
The first rule of the trashcan guild is expect to die...
There is no second rule.
The Hatchery
Community Member
wow and golf-LOL (you know the sad kind) to this thread and the changes.
To add some other suggestions:
1. favor rewards seem like an acceptable crafting ingredient. It increases certain pack usage and only needs to be achieved once per crafter.
-Silver flame pots for holy burst - thematically make sense
-Take this further, instead of named raid loot for outsider banes, what about yugo pots for this.
2. This suggestion is not preferred by me, but could work - give a rare chance on certain weapon effects' deconstruction to drop a special shard. Ex - deconstructing a superior potency 6 weapon has a small chance to drop x ingredient required for spell pen 8, or something along those lines.
-Anything is possible....if you don't understand the problem.
-Better to be perceived a fool than to open ones mouth and remove all doubt.
-Luck is simply a crossroads between circumstance and knowledge, both are things you can control.
Actually, not so much. I mean, don't destroy a MinII, but the changes don't change its worth much.
Ironically, MinIIs are just about as pointless to make after the patch as they are now. Holy hasn't changed, and the price increase on Evil Outsider isn't much (two medium Shroud ingredients are nothing). +4 Holy Silver of EOB is all you need to match or beat a MinII.
Oddly, the +4 Unholy Cold Iron of Chaotic Outsider Bane weapons I've made are now much harder to make. And those are much less useful.
Just thought of how frustrating its going to be when someone uses a dreamspitter on on a GLOB shard and applies it to handwraps that don't work. Or when someone attempts a recipe at 95% and looses a Chattering Ring that took 20 raid completions to get. It will happen if this patch goes live.
Server: Orien
Guild: Over Raided
Toons: Phasma - Swashbuckler ; Ceroni - Acrobat ; Selina Air Savant ; Cachin - Artificer
First off, I agree with everyone who is saying do not send this patch live. There is no reason to. The patch is about crafting, and the crafting is effed. Whole thing needs a major overhaul with every single one of those changed recipes needing a once over. And then look over the once over. Better do that in triplicate.
I went and looked at the recipes, and while Chattering Ring stands out as the most outrageous, there are a bunch.
Tome of Legend's weapons Twinblade and Coronation
Sovereign Rune of Smiting.
5 Blood of Dragons for a single greater dragon bane
Spectral Gloves
+1-+3 tomes? Well, guess I won't be giving those away anymore.
To even consider using BtC items after we finally got it so that you can trade shards on your account so you dont need to have multiple crafters, is a big oopsie.
It is easier to farm high end gear that is better than crafted stuff than it is to farm the **** to make this stuff.
This whole concept is really going to suck for all those premium players out there who want a crafter. They are going to need to purchase every single pack to get access to recipes, but that definitely seems like a goal turbine has here, so be it. They are a business here to make money after all.
I have been enjoying crafting, levels 75+ across the board. I'll wait to see how this is all toned down before I throw in the towel on crafting, but even if they tone it way down, chances are I will just say forget it on crafting, and just go get good items that drop in game. It is so much easier than what we have here.
Leader of Lost Legions
The nerd rage in here is amazing.
I've loved the crafting system so far, and I think the devs did this change in the great "Quest for Balance". They made crafting go from maybe a bit too easy to WAY too hard.
The changes are game breaking for reasons beyond crafting and should not hit live.
Having tomes to make purified shards will make prices of tomes skyrocket on the AH, for an already expensive item. Epic tokens would be ok, but would lockout anyone without capped toons. Astral diamonds - whatever, a developer has to eat, but there should be other methods too (100 greaters or something).
As others have said, making this live for even a while will make players start to hoard raid loot. As a software developer, we delay and fix broken betas, and turbine should too.
Its too bad really, because I really like every single one of the other fixes except the plat on deconstruct one. The crafting system has been a great plat sink and economy fixer. It should stay that way.
Another point I think has been missed completely is accessibility. I play in a small group and we don't do all the raids and we don't do epic content. Crafting reinvigorated the game for us because we could actually get weapons that were pretty good (not amazing, but pretty good) with out having to join in some bunch of zerg raid/epic groups. It's bad enough you're requiring items from all the different content (at least we own almost all of it, but many people do not) but it's all insanely difficult to get.
This isn't just the death of crafting, as far as my group is concerned, it's the death of the game.
Life is good. Eternal life is better.
Drogoth - 19/1 Clr/Rgr || Fenced Goods - 20 Brd || Faeruen - 18/2 Brd/Rog
Skrak - 10/6/2 Ftr/Rgr/Rog || Briggy - 16/2 Brd/Rog || Tayly - 18 Clr (all max exp)
More in the works...
/sarcasm (i'm just having fun at the idea that it won't be fixed before the patch goes live, no harm really meant lol)
Ladies and Gentlemen, Building Corp. INC is proud to announce the we've finally finished our very first superscraper. 200 floors of corporate space, lavish lavatories, spacious gyms and an exceptional view!
We have however, noticed a slight problem in our design. Due to an unfortunate oversight, elevators have not been implemented into this design. While the building will open for business on the first of the month, we will not be scheduling the new construction to install the elevators until we decide how beneficial they will be to you, as the employees and clients of this new building.
I assure you we have your best interests at heart and will someday hear back from us on whether or not elevators actually provide YOU, the customer, with a true benefit.
As an added gift for the inconvenience, we are giving all customers a free taco.
We appreciate all you do for us. We are a great company and you are great customers. Together we will be great!
-Building Corp. INC
Thanks for the info Scraap, thats certainly very... interesting.
Some toons with Cow in the name, and some without.
Another possibility is Turbine doesn't feel like supporting this stuff anymore and figures if they simply make it impossible to craft nobody will bother.
Community Member