The sad part is that when this does go live greedy people WILL STILL loot raid items and craft with them knowing full well a change may be implemented in the near future.
Not knowing when or what will be updated sort of defeats the purpose of telling us a change will be made.
RedShirt / Roleplayer of Giant Slayers, Inc. on Thelanis, formerly Tharashk.
Member of the DDO Player Council
Coldin-Artificer; Lynton-Bard; Alydyn-Swashbuckler;
Takai-Monk; Rosein-Paladin; Ellyiana-Cleric; Aurixs-Sorcerer
Community Member
First post ever here (this thread warrants one)... and I really, really do not know which is sadder... The fact that the devs even thought up such an absolute ridiculous idea as the one they put forth for the crafting changes... or the fact that they didn't take a wee lil time out and actually review, look at and THINK about what they were putting out...
My good god.. I am paying money for this...
Do not let this go live. Correct it first.
Server: Orien
Characters: Menipos / Jhaelant
It's already been said, but I think good things come in threes. Or maybe three hundreds.
If you don't feel, as a development team, that there is no time to revert the unintended changes prior to this patch rolling out? Just don't roll it out.
I liked other parts of the release notes, that I did. I will miss them, knowing that they *were* intended. But I think I speak for an overwhelming majority when I say : they can wait. Rather, We can wait.
But intentionally releasing something to the public (live servers, not Lammania), after identifying it, mentioning that you are aware of it day one that we could inform you of the issue? I don't know whose call in the company it is to make to cancel, or delay, updates. But I would highly suggest that person find a quiet room, devoid of all distractions, and reflect for an hour of uninterrupted silence on this:
Are the consequences of delaying this so bad that they are effectively worse than not?
Total sidenote here: Which parts are intentional, which parts are unintentional? You've left us with a big gray area there. Farming Silver Flame Favor on my crafting toon for one formula doesn't sound like my cup of tea, for example.
Quoted for emphasis:
If you promise to take this entire 'cost increasing' change and dump it straight in the trash bin as soon as you can and revert all costs back to their original costs, I will happily accept the following compromise:
1. Delete all mystical items that players currently have anywhere in their inventories or banks.
2. Require these mystical ingredients in the high level recipes that you want to control.
3. Reduce their drop rate to ~5-10% per completion, or less if desired.
4. Allow them to drop from any high level pack instead of specific ones, or allow them to be tradable.
I honestly don't mind it if you think powerful recipes should be hard to get even after getting to such a high level... but
do NOT require raid items, tomes, astral diamonds, epic tokens, or shroud ingredients to make these items!! Scrap it all!
Well...there is one positive to come out of this....It has completely united 100% the entire forum community on a single topic.
Hatchery Founder
2014 DDO Players Council
Not on Lammania, but if this is correct then +1 to everything everyone is saying here.
I'm currently just capping my first char, and being from a small guild of a few RL friends who are somewhat more casual than I am, I have to say that they'll probably be very demoralized by this (as I will be.) I suspect to the point they might slowly stop playing - not in a huff, but just out of the feeling that there really isn't much of a place for any but the grindiest of players past cap. And I probably won't blame them. I might stick around, but man, this is a real slap in the teeth.
Try again guys, please? You've been on a roll, please don't squander that goodwill.
This is a Dot One patch. It doesn't need to be released at all. The issues that it fixes are ones that we've lived with and can continue you live with without the patch.
Fix this abomination of a suggestion, release it with Update 11 and forget about this .1 patch. In fact if there needs to be a patch later on because of some weird bug that comes up, I hope that it is listed as a .2 patch because I don't trust your version control.
Characters - Brion, Damerchant, Deathbot, Goode-, Minusten, Sepiriz, Spiritstrike, Stee, Steilh, Vorpaal, Wyllye, Yaga, Yagalicious, Yga. RIP - Catpizzle and Qazpe
Beware My Gifts!!!
Thank you for stepping into the briar patch and posting this. However, I STRONGLY, urge you not to release this patch to the live servers until you've properly addressed this. The vast amount of your player base does not read this forum, and will simply stop crafting and never look back when they see the changes. The ones that know this is coming (and know that it will be adjusted later) will simply craft like crazy until it is released, then stop until it is fixed. I can deal with lobotomized hirelings and drag ingredients out of bags for as long as it takes for this to be corrected.
Including any named raid loot whatsoever in Cannith Crafting requirements is a very, very bad idea.
Seriously, just hold the patch. We've all done it - no customer will think any less of you if you do. This however can not be said for releasing it as it is.
Community Member
Bwahahahah... this is so brilliant that I have to wonder if Turbine planned it this way!
Think about it! Since this update will go live with ridiculous requirements for crafting, it will put a major pause on all crafting of those pesky holy burst silver greater evil outsider bane weapons until at least the next patch (among the grinders who have already achieved a high level of crafting).
Then when the patch 2 comes out in a month with heavier requirements than the original crafting, but at least no raid loot, all the players will go "well at least it doesn't require a dreamspitter or a chattering ring" even though it will still require purified dragon shards (requiring expensive items or... guess what... turbine points!).
MadFloyd I am not attacking you or turbine here. Nor am I saying this was actually planned. But coming from a player that has been paying my $10-$15 per month since pre-order and buying $50 worth of turbine point probably once every 2-3 months since the store came out... this whole incident actually makes me more frustrated with this game that I have ever been in the past 5 years.
It only serves to underline the basic antagonistic principle that comes around these days. Instead of making the game more fun and more interesting, there is an enormous tendency to make it more of a grind and to push players into using the store more. Basically, it's a way of showing that keeping a long term player base is less important that sucking in a bunch of new players, taking their money, and then shuffling them off for the next batch.
It's this kind of myopic shortsightedness (intentionally redundant) that will drive away more and more long term players.
watch them make seeker +6 require a blood stone or Marlith chain )
2015 DDO Players Council