I've found that if I put up 25 Dancing Balls, the mobs will fail their save in at least one of them.
Sorcerer - Quantity over Quality. And then add a little more Quantity, just to be sure.![]()
I've found that if I put up 25 Dancing Balls, the mobs will fail their save in at least one of them.
Sorcerer - Quantity over Quality. And then add a little more Quantity, just to be sure.![]()
I understand the plight here.
When I get asked "Can you CC?" especially when the group already has a CC wizard or whatnot, my response is often along the lines of "Does nuking the daylights out of multiple targets count as CC?" If I open up and start throwing down chain and ball lightning I'm hitting everything in the area for potentially 1000+ per cast. I also carry PWK, PWS, and irresistible dance for stuff being troublesome. (PWS is surprisingly amazing. You only have to worry about SR, and it costs a measly 10 sp. For stopping an incoming monster for at least 8 seconds no save AND giving me +50% damage, I'm surprised that I find people who haven't even thought about it)
And on bosses? Its easy to pull the boss off the tank if I'm not careful.
Khyber: Runforr 13/6/1 Rog/Ftr/Mnk, Bakup 3/3/1 Mnk/Pal/Rog (TR Pal), Faylah 14 Mnk (TR Mnk), Janthyra 12/7/1 Brb/Rog/Ftr, Ainbthech 20 Sor, Fliethas 18/2 Fvs/Mnk, Unfilled 12/6/2 Mnk/Rgr/Ftr, Arcanemark 10 Wiz "Don't eat us dragon! We're like you, but smaller. And fly worse." - Kobold Crewman on the Heart of Wind
The tentative time mentioned above is being moved to Saturday at 2pm EST. I hope to see a solid turnout! Look for the LFM. Whenever I do these events, the LFM starts out as "Forum Event" for the first 20 minutes before I open it up to anybody who happens to be online.
Proud Leader of Redemption
Um... due to a recent development of wakeboard addiction and friends who don't plan anything, I had to no-show my own event. LFM is going up on Sunday @ 2pm EST. I apologize to those who waited for an event that never came up.
Proud Leader of Redemption
I logged in to the forums--a rare thing--just to +1 the OP.
Spot on, Draiden.
I want to do this again, because it was so much fun. Dispel made a great tank in an all caster (both divine and arcane) run, and he just happens to be a sorc...
How does Sunday at 5pm EST sound again for those still watching this thread?
Proud Leader of Redemption
Are you that guy who usually heals me when I tank eChrono? @ OP
I think everybody would agree, the event was a huge success! (screen shots below)
1. Initial Zone-In: Started off with a bang and it was clear the damage output and CC was awesome. Nothing more to mention there.
2. The Path to the Bank: (Took the first right towards the catacombs) This was fun, a bit stressful when a couple of abashais creeped up behind us, but the dropped really fast and we were able to recover wonderfully... better than a lot of well-balanced parties would've fared, IMO. I noticed about half of us weren't entirely prepared with cold shield, which would've helped a lot. I blame myself for failing to mention that.
3. Bloodplate: Awesome. We just insta-killed casters instead of wasting time FtSing them, everybody did great at focusing on the armorers, Devils died quickly from incidental damage (such as chain lightning) and Bloodplate retreated almost the very second the 2nd armorer dropped each time. Another indication of how awesome the spell DPS really was.
4. Ddoor back to the Steam Tunnels: Opted to ddoor as opposed to killing our way back. Shouldn't have ddoored, though, as mentioned below.
5. Razorarm: Most unbelievable part of the run. He only spawned one group of trash, which ran into a LOT of dancing balls, crushing despair and mass holds and Razorarm was down almost as soon as he showed up. Finished this with 80% of my SP pool remaining (similar for most of us) and immediately thought, "Wow. We should've fought our way back to the steam tunnels."
6. End Fight: This part is interesting and a true testament to both the players and the sorcerer class itself. We started by selecting a "tank" which involved somebody buffing up, taking main aggro with DoTs and everybody else nuking when the tank was ready... sortof a classic strategy similar to regular runs. It went badly at first. A few of us ran around, collected soulstones, ddoored and we all regrouped. Then, we scrapped the plan entirely and did what sorcs do best... ran around and just blasted. It was an arcane frenzy in there, but he went down really fast, nobody died with the new plan (or lack thereof) and the quest was a success. More of a success because everybody really had a great time throughout the entirety of the run.
Kudos to Lunchable for initiating the "plan B". You receive +1 in-game rep for a job really well done. Another Kudos to Acydtryp for doing a solid job of "tanking" even though the plan was junk. And another Kudos to the person who said something to the effect of, "Sorcerers do their best in the absence of a plan." That pretty much summed it up. lol!
Most everybody in the group expressed a keen interest in making this a static run, so look for the LFM every Sunday at 5pm EST or feel free to pm me here or in-game to Draidin.
Thanks again for everybody who showed, and feel free to post any screen shots you took from the run!
EDIT: Ha! It was Kiensly who said it, and it's right there in party chat... "Too much planning and sorcs don't mix."
Last edited by Draiden; 07-24-2011 at 07:32 PM.
Proud Leader of Redemption
Awesome fun read. Grats guys![]()
Hexxa CLR 25 *TR* * ~Hexanna ~*TR* FVS 25 * Hexecuter CLR 20 *Flexanna RGR/R/M 18/1/1 *TR* * Flexa FTR/R 18/2 TR * Hextravaganz Bard *TR* 18/2 * Hexotic Sorc 13 * Hexquisite Wiz 23 * ~~Quantum Entropy * SARLONA~~ - * and various other scoundrels
It's comparing dps to dps, unless the melee is a tank. If the goal of the spot is damage, then sorcerers fit the bill and will also have fringe benefits like buffs and dimension door. I can't get enough sorc's in my party and like to have at least 1 wizard. And if your damage is high enough then you don't need insta-death. A sorcerer has room to be good at either control or damage, but I don't know why one would go for control at all... it isn't the purpose of the class. Get an archmage. 12 spots in a raid folks, you can get the CC the meat the heals the traps the buffs AND the sorc damage without demanding it all from 1 class.