Offering 2 FRDS, Scroll of Bloodstone + 1mln plat.
PM here or in game.
Offering 2 FRDS, Scroll of Bloodstone + 1mln plat.
PM here or in game.
Last edited by Seljuck; 07-05-2011 at 05:36 PM.
>>Officer of the Polish Guild: GildiaDDOpl<<>>Cannith<<
Isioviel Jr'eness - the Completionist
Finghin Al'Roeg 5th life Sorcerer .......Seljuck 5th life 14ftr/5art/1wizIf you like my posts, consider adding to my reputation. Thank You.
Lookin for better scrolls than that. If u have any more, pm me and let me know.
Scarletdalia Windwalker-Air Savant, Syngh Nswing-Ultimate DPS Bard, Kaehlan Amnell-TWF DPS Completionist-in-the-making , Bloodraynne-Human DPS Fvs, Stiel Kaege-WF THF DPS/Tank.
Leader-Obsidian Dragons, Cannith.