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  1. #1
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Dec 2009

    Default New system of dispute between guilds - Conquerors of the Towers

    I play DDO a while, almost two years. It's a good game, but with every update I get more discouraged.
    And the feeling is not mine. I think the players wait for something that will never happen. The "guildwar."

    However, I know the limitations of the game. DDO is designed to play in groups.
    Your pvp system is weak, and for a “future” guildwar would have to reshape and balance the entire game.

    Thinking about it, envisioned an alternative form of dispute between the guilds.
    I find the idea interesting and easy to perform compared to a war.

    Conquest of the Towers

    Basically it's a race against time. 12 (or 6) players from a guild go into a tower, and have to finish the adventure
    in the shortest time possible.
    The shortest time is registered in the name of the guild, until another guild gets the win.
    On the surface, it seems a dumb idea and simple. But I will prove how this can be very interesting in the next words.

    Length of competition:
    During one week, starting Monday (after the routine maintenance), guilds try to register the shortest time. On Sunday, 22:00, the counter stop, and the best time is recorded.

    The towers will be thematic, depending on the location of each. Example: Gianthold tower, Thenal Tower, etc.
    They could at least enjoy the packs sold (sorrowdusk) and place towers on them. Encourage the sale of a pack ready!

    Level of difficulty:
    The tower can be done in three different levels.
    Level 8, Level 14 and Level 20.
    Players must be at the level set, or less, to gain access to the tower.

    Rewards for the guild:
    After being declared the winner of a challenge, the guild for a week would receive a bonus to xp. These accumulate bonus, if earned several towers.
    Example of a guild that won several towers:

    Normal Tower Gianthold: +10% xp renowned +1% xp bonus
    Hard Threnal Tower: +20% xp renowned +1% xp bonus
    Elite Tower Sorrowdusk: + 30% xp renowned +1% xp bonus
    Elite Tower Gianthold: +30% xp renowned +1% xp bonus

    The total bonus xp this guild for a week would receive 90% and +5% xp bonus.!

    Player´s rewards:
    Players who finish the adventures receive random items, as well as XP and renown. But also receive a crystal (BtA), related to the tower won. (Gianthold Crystal)

    These crystals are needed in order to get in one last adventure, and that would be one of the most difficult game.

    The last dungeon (lvl 20):
    All who successfully complete the towers, though not the champions of the week,
    may enter the dungeon using uniting three different stones in the towers, but only the champions can use a resource that until now the adventures in DDO does not. The decrease of the difficulty!

    Yes! This last dungeon has to be the most difficult adventure in the game!
    There will be three levels of difficulty, like all adventures, but the initial level is the Elite!

    For a guild that is successful in winning a tower, on any difficulty, during the week will receive your bonus XP the players also can choose the Hard difficulty.

    For a guild that won more towers can choose Normal difficult.
    I think you will all love to develop this dungeon!

    Final Thoughts:
    I am a player from Brazil, DM and player of D & D. I love the online version, I recognize your work to always be bringing news, as the new craft system, and new quests,
    but I like to use my toons for something else. Something more competitive, more challenging, more fun.
    A big hug. Think about.
    Cya guys!

    André Luiz de Araujo
    Cananéia – SP / Brasil

    (My English is not fluent. Sorry. Google Translat detect =D )
    Last edited by andrekabelo; 07-05-2011 at 10:23 AM.

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