Sorry, but complaining about poor pugs on Korthos Island to me seems like complaining that toddlers spill their juice.
Sorry, but complaining about poor pugs on Korthos Island to me seems like complaining that toddlers spill their juice.
Murderthumbs McGillicutty - 20 Light Monk -+- Traumaturge - 20 Water Savant -+- Targetov Opportunity - 20 Defender of Siberys
Are you bored enough to waste scales on a Min II Shuriken? Try this!
Oh I understand people in Korthos are probably new and such. Tis why I stuck around for a while. I just don't get the join the first group we can and ignore the requested instructions that come with it mentality.
Will it always be like this or is it something that I'll just have to get used to?
Most likely the ones you mentioned never even read your LFM, just saw the quest and went into "kill everything mode". The PuG scene to me has a few tiers:
- 1-3: Newbs, Noobs, and TR's in a hurry to get the hell out of Korthos - Teamwork extremely rare, party chat usually unbearable
- 4-7: Vet status and altaholics trying new things. New people taking their first tentative steps into the houses - A lot of inexperience, F2P/P2P woes, the beginnings of SHR PLX and 'what house'.
- 8-13: Now entering The Farmlands - PuGs by this point are usually a 50/50 proposition for me as the worst of the previous tiers usually shape up or ship out by this point. A lot of decent groups running full chains for gear and flagging, slayers and window farming for XP. These levels usually fly by.
- 14-16: For me, the Wasteland. most everything is Gianthold and Vale, with the occasional Orchard run thrown in. Dreary repetitive quests in dreary repetitive areas. XP curve starts to climb so progress feels slower. Attack on Stormreach and Harbinger of Madness have helped with this though. Most of your groups will be divided between first timers, know-nothing know-it-alls, and cynics (that's me!).
- 17+: The loot grind from this point on means you'll probably run into the same people looking for the same things quite often. IMO this is where PuGing is best as some of the randomness is removed.
Now that I've reached the end of this post I forgot what point I was trying to make in the beginning. In conclusion I will complain that running Shroud flaggers at lvl 20 did not give me an option for Magic Broccoli. Good day.
Murderthumbs McGillicutty - 20 Light Monk -+- Traumaturge - 20 Water Savant -+- Targetov Opportunity - 20 Defender of Siberys
Are you bored enough to waste scales on a Min II Shuriken? Try this!
That can be tricky.
Maybe I forgot to switch my minos back after using my haggle hat when logging last so it looks like I'm running 0% fort.
By the time I had to wait for you to do that I likely clicked another lfm, got accepted and am headed for that quest...especially if you're going through a queue. After finishing whatever that was I still see your LFM looking for a healer. (Though I tend to avoid those, anyway, on cleric or FvS...esp. on the latter)
you can tell the truly bad ones by guild name. they are very good at finding each other
Kmnh * Kmn * Kmm * Knn * Knm
Leader of Templar
Like others have said, it's a million times easier to just change your expectations than to try to filter idiots.
The truth is, most PUGs are competent.
But don't let yourself assume that because most are, all will be...
Instead, assume all will suck. And then you'll be pleasantly surprised most of the time.
I favor run so I've run those quest more times than I care to admit. I've noticed that you get alot more kids in the lower levels - and I do mean kids - like children kids. One low level quest I thought someone was being cute and having their kid talk into the mic for them. Took me half way through the quest to realize the seven year old who had been talking was the player. Another time I didn't realize how young one of the players was until they squealed in a total Ike from South Park voice "I died!" Kid couldn't have been but four or five and probably did spill his juice when he died.
All the healers that have joined my recent BYOH groups have died. I don't know what's going on, but I assume that its being summer is having some significant effect. In the past, BYOH IP LFMs have worked well, frequently sped up completion and pulled people in who know the quest, know how to get to the quest, and can keep themselves alive. Right now that's not happening, at least for me.
my personal test is to ask questions before they get into the instance. nothing complicated, just stuff like "do you know where the quest is?" or something. i'm not as interested in their answer usually as i am in whether or not they answer. if someone is willing to communicate, i find that even if they're not great, they're not going to be completely bad.
failure to communicate generally speaking means you get kicked. i don't care if you're the most amazing player in the world, you talk/type/whatever to the rest of the group, or you run it in a different group when i'm leading.
Byoh groups are the best places for a newer player to actually learn how to heal as it reduces some of the stress. You'll also often find that the second divine who joins often dies a lot - possibly for the same reasons
In memory of my own often painful attempts to learn to heal, I ask that you have patience with them![]()
~ Crimson Eagles of Khyber ~~ Melianny ~ Melizzic ~ Melton ~ Meliambit ~ Mellant ~ Melimenace ~ Melangst ~
Eh. I was new in ddo not so long ago. I always ran away from zerg groups so its a way to eliminate new people. Also 'know quest' works good
BUT. Not all new people are idiots. They cant zerg solo or whatever cause they dont know quest or way to entrance. I got twice dismissed from party cause i didnt know way to it. I have this luckvim a fvs and mostly peopld do need healers so they were and are patient with me. Good my guildies and earlier some nice players helped me cause id probable end up beeing a clueless noob forever. I still ask for some things and make mistakes
Is it so hard to show people way to quest and tell what they should expect and ghat e.g. in this quest summons are pain in the a**?
This way u will just be people not tolerant and simply rude. What? U knew all quests when u entered game? If u answer yes and that u could solo game ure just big headed idiot.
Be helpful for new players. Most of them can become great addition to ddo. I always try to explain thing to players who know less and expect people who know more to help. Its fair trade.
Still i dont accept players plain stupid who run first knowing or worse not knowing quest and dying then. Or EVEN worse players who cause all party to die.
Still if all groupings will say no noobs know quest etc. It will be really difficult for new people to learn anything. New player can solo to 7 or so level. But not knowing quests even butch of new people will fail amrath over and over again. Itd so easier if someone just show them way to do quest.
Sorry for writing it in mobilem
It seems that you haven’t actually understood what I said in my post , which has nothing at all to do with anything you said in your comments.
I was in no way attacking new players. I was not saying anything about zerg, know the way, bring your own heals or any other LFM style demands or group play styles. Nor was i saying anything about kicking people who dont know where a quest is or criticising new players. As far as i can see no one else who replied said anything critical about new players either.
I was commenting about the awful play style and general stupidity I had the misfortune to witness in some of my groups.Particularly some mid and high level quests.
Try reading my original post again and you will see that i was actually commenting about a True Res wizard ( presumably not a newbie as lvl 20 is a requirement to True res) and a monk in mid/high level quests.
Last edited by IWIronheart; 08-24-2011 at 10:22 PM.
"Player testers have done an excelent job and I really do appreciate the testing done by the players that report the issues which then get ignored ......."
Community Member
Community Member
Joined a pug shroud last night, and the leader, right before the final fight decided to recall.
Somebody asked where he was, he said bb thx, and dropped group. Still finished it but kind of a lame thing to do, I understand you might not want the completion, but drop after the fight not before it. He made my "special friends" list.
Definitely an idiot I will avoid and not join a group he's in or let into any group I form.
Id say that most free to play quest wont give a good party.
Most free to play dont have a choice to go in these quest , they arent geared, their build is mostly gimp.
I usually check my ddo when im not sure about a player.
Laell Of the North Barb 20 / CptWinrider Rgr-barb-figh 12-6-2/ PLumes Bard 20 / Veryx Avenger of the flame Sorc 20
Leader French Connexion
~Dead characters do no damage (except maybe artificers)~