The power five: Vorpal, Banishing, Disruption, Smiting, Paralyzers are a shadow of their former selves.....
With all of the Bytching about power creep and lack of weapon options I have to wonder why these weapons were moved from the rarely used, to collecting dust in the bank?
U could also consider w/p in this grp or any other stat damaging weapon and call this the power six.....
In any case, the problem with the nerfing of these weapons was brought about by the live events and easily acquired epic gear. Endless wraps and the swashbuckler's scimitar were a sure sign of the end of the usefulness of yet more random loot.
I don't know about the rest of u, but crunching ingreds into an alter is NOT what I want MY game experience to be. And with the ability to craft +5 holyburst of greater banes...what is the point of dungeon-crawling at all. U will be able to craft better weapons than u could pull....but i digress
The point of this Bytch-fest was the nerfing of power fives....I don't even use them anymore cause the only thing that matters is DPS. And that means ESOS is king. I do have a sugestion that is sort of a compromise, and it make make the random +5 vorpal a viable option again....
For evrything but paralyzers, have the proc damage increased to 500..and still have the kill/whatever at 1000 or less hp's. Or add the stun effect to the proc if u dont wanna increase the damage..have the mob get stunned when the vorpal/banisher..whatever fires...
For paralyzers u could revert back to the days of auto-crit for ur example....para's could act as auto stunning of the mob as long as the r held...
for stat least for w/p u could have 0 con mobs be killed again..
In anycase I believe that this will INCREASE the viable weapon choices for EVERYONE and that could only make the game better.