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  1. #1
    Community Member JOAO300's Avatar
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    Default Tips to increase damage from spells(Wizard)

    Hello guys, I'm here to ask for tips on how to increase the damage of the spells of my wizard, I'm investing in all the enhancements manipulation of elements, and also am using a dagger Greater potency VI, and still do not think my damage satisfactory, proof is that several other wizards told me about the damage of some spells like fireball, firewall and cone of cold, and the damage of these spells were far superior to mine and they were 2 levels below me (I'm level 12), need help of you to amplify my damage, at level 20 because I want to be giving about 1000 to 1500 damage, I've seen wizards who did not True Reincarnation who gave more than 5000.
    Thank you.

  2. #2
    The Hatchery bigolbear's Avatar
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    well a beter potency item is a start, it goes up to superior (50%)

    the clickys work even beter still (up to 75%)

    after that id suggest lore items - the best is major lore, theres one for each element.

    and importantly it may be that you dont have or are not using metamagic feats, these make your spells cost a lot more but make them more powerful.

    for damage spells your lookign for metamagic maximise, empower and heighten.
    Ex Euro player from devourer: Charaters on orien(Officer of Under Estimated & Nightfox): Wrothgar, Cobolt, Shadeweaver, TheMetal, Metaphysical, Allfred, Razortusk and many more.
    stuff by me:

  3. #3
    Community Member dingal's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JOAO300 View Post
    Hello guys, I'm here to ask for tips on how to increase the damage of the spells of my wizard, I'm investing in all the enhancements manipulation of elements, and also am using a dagger Greater potency VI, and still do not think my damage satisfactory, proof is that several other wizards told me about the damage of some spells like fireball, firewall and cone of cold, and the damage of these spells were far superior to mine and they were 2 levels below me (I'm level 12), need help of you to amplify my damage, at level 20 because I want to be giving about 1000 to 1500 damage, I've seen wizards who did not True Reincarnation who gave more than 5000.
    Thank you.
    I don't have a lot of time for this post so it's gonna be sloppy....

    First, I'd recommend that you spec yourself for Force + Ice as far as you can go in both. It gives you 2 good damage options as force is unresistable and boosts other untyped damage spells like Disintegrate and Horrid Wilting as well as your Ice Storms.

    Second, you want to carry Superior Freeze (I think that's what they are called) potions from the vendor. These will Amplify your level 4 and below spells by 75% for 3 minutes per pot. They aren't inexpensive but well worth it.

    Third, use Niac's Biting Cold as your primary offensive single target spell. It does a fantastic amount of damage once you cast it 3x in a row (It stacks up to 3x and with a full stack you'll crit for 1000 or so per tick, more depending on gear).

    Fourth, you'll want a lore item, as high as you can get for general spells like what you get from a greenblade. If that's not available to you just get an Ice Lore and a Kinetic Lore scepter or some such. A minimum 9% crit, .25x Crit Multiplier. Make sure you're wielding that when you cast the spell.

    Potency items are great but you'll get more out of the pots I mentioned above.

    For orange named bosses (In epics) hit them with an energy drain or two before you attack them. They lose 10% health for each negative level so this makes them drop very fast. Then hit them with Niacs, Polar Ray and Disintegrate (Don't use disintegrate often before energy drain or they will save).

    Finally, seek out a Xachosian Eardweller. It gives a massive damage boost to all spells for 1 minute (3 charge/1 per day).
    April 27th, 2011 - Dungeons and Casters Unlimited is released to the public
    Quote Originally Posted by Junts View Post
    This is an impressive min/min build.

  4. #4
    Community Member dingal's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bigolbear View Post
    for damage spells your lookign for metamagic maximise, empower and heighten.
    Yes, very important.

    If you're going to be doing a lot of well...anything you want to have Maximize, Empower, Heighten, Quicken and I also recommend extend, especially if you're a Pale Master. Quicken is a must if you plan on running any epics.
    April 27th, 2011 - Dungeons and Casters Unlimited is released to the public
    Quote Originally Posted by Junts View Post
    This is an impressive min/min build.

  5. #5
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    The really big numbers that the casters brag about are really criticals, and to max that out you need to use Maximize/Empower Feats, max out the damage enhancements including the multiplier, and use Major Lore item (another +0.5x).

    Based on your OP, I think the major thing you might be missing are clickies. The Inferno/Freeze/Impact clickies provide up to +75% boost to your damage spells, where as your Greater Potency only gives you +40%.

    Managing a golf-bag of clickies, swapping things around, and keeping them active as needed will require some practice and management, but it really isn't all that different from a melee character using a golf-bag of weapons for the different monsters they might face.
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  6. #6
    Community Member dingal's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by aristarchus1000 View Post
    The really big numbers that the casters brag about are really criticals, and to max that out you need to use Maximize/Empower Feats, max out the damage enhancements including the multiplier, and use Major Lore item (another +0.5x).

    Based on your OP, I think the major thing you might be missing are clickies. The Inferno/Freeze/Impact clickies provide up to +75% boost to your damage spells, where as your Greater Potency only gives you +40%.

    Managing a golf-bag of clickies, swapping things around, and keeping them active as needed will require some practice and management, but it really isn't all that different from a melee character using a golf-bag of weapons for the different monsters they might face.
    This man speaks the truth.

    For Niacs biting cold for instance standard tick with eardweller will be around 5-600 with a crit being in the 11-1400 range. Disintegrate can get HUGE crits in the 3300 range and polar ray can do massive damage as well.


    1. 75% clickie pots
    2. TOD Clickies (75%)
    3. Xachosian Eardweller
    4. Major Lore Items (% crit & multiplier)
    5. Metamagics: Maximize, Empower, Heighten
    6. Enhancements - Damage increase AND critical multiplier (Both are very important for max damage output and do not spread yourself thing). Early game use fire, end game - Shroud/Amrath onward use Ice/Force
    7. Items that increase Evocation caster level are also great
    8. One final thing I forgot to mention, held mobs take 50% extra damage so after an energy drain dont be afraid to throw a Hold/Mass hold to increase your damage.
    Last edited by dingal; 07-03-2011 at 05:30 PM.
    April 27th, 2011 - Dungeons and Casters Unlimited is released to the public
    Quote Originally Posted by Junts View Post
    This is an impressive min/min build.

  7. #7
    Community Member dingal's Avatar
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    Finally, as a wizard you should be relying more on death spells, Finger of Death, Wail of the Banshee, Power Word Kill, Circle of Death, Circle of Undeath to Death (for undead) for most of your work. The dots should be for red/purple (pre-epic) and for orange/red/purple afterward.
    April 27th, 2011 - Dungeons and Casters Unlimited is released to the public
    Quote Originally Posted by Junts View Post
    This is an impressive min/min build.

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