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  1. #1
    Community Member seskie1's Avatar
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    Default What was the reasoning behind your characters name?

    Just wondering because I have seen some pretty creative names and I guess being sick and holed up in your is just entertaining enough that eventually you have to get a thread going.
    For me I chose my native language of Punjabi
    Singh : lion
    Sohni: beauty
    Sherni: lioness
    Thrannypoo klemmlover: because sometimes you just have to pay homage

    I chose Surma as the surname for my toons because it means one who is brave.

    So where dis you get the inspiration for the names of your characters?
    The Coolest Person On Orien, I’m a Melee DPS User, Find me On Thorrygg, Thorrwyn, Gorrwyk, Harlophas and Lowharm! I love running all the Content of this Game and Look Forward to being friends with you all, I do not tolerate people badmouthing others or hindering the experience of any new Players in this Game, I will help where I can and When I can. ????

  2. #2
    Community Member Buggss's Avatar
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    Um... where to start...

    My son's rabbit died the same day and we'd just finished burying him (the rabbit, not my son ) and I decided to roll up a new toon.

    Guess what my son wanted me to call him....
    <------Pay no attention to the join date, played pre-launch in EU & moved to U.S. servers.

  3. #3
    Founder & Hero
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    Well my fave character I named due to the fact I had a large amount of the original candy canes so I named her Khandikane to be a little diff. My first character I just used a character name I had used for the last 36 years off and on in pnp dont remember where I came up with Uska though.

    Beware the Sleepeater

  4. #4
    Founder Nysrock's Avatar
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    I have gotten some from books, some from name generators and some from a thesaurus.
    ... a soldier,
    Full of strange oaths, and bearded like the pard,
    Jealous in honor, sudden and quick in quarrel,
    Seeking the bubble reputation,
    Even in the dragon's mouth.

  5. #5


    Trissa--made it up
    Kleo Everlasting-- Orphen
    THe Tenth--doctor
    Oncoming Storm--guess
    Roselyn Tylor--guess
    Keatheran--made it up
    FatherAbel--Trinity Blood
    Healbotatron--made it up
    Tnannet Davyyd--I'll let you figureit out
    Orindell--made it up
    Courwin--made it up
    Caboose-- RvsB
    Argashia--made up
    Heeroyuy--Gundam W
    Jennysmith--guess yet again
    Johnsmith--same as above
    +The Goddess of Tempest's Spine+Merc's Only, THELANIS: List is here: LEGIONNAIRE /Salute to Rameses, He has RETURNED!

  6. #6
    Community Member Buggss's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DoctorWhofan View Post
    ...Tnannet Davyyd--I'll let you figureit out...
    You liked that particular incarnation then?
    <------Pay no attention to the join date, played pre-launch in EU & moved to U.S. servers.

  7. #7


    Quote Originally Posted by Buggss View Post
    You liked that particular incarnation then?

    My husband looks like him! And he did an AWESOME job as the DOctor.
    +The Goddess of Tempest's Spine+Merc's Only, THELANIS: List is here: LEGIONNAIRE /Salute to Rameses, He has RETURNED!

  8. #8
    Community Member mudfud's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DoctorWhofan View Post
    Trissa--made it up
    Kleo Everlasting-- Orphen
    THe Tenth--doctor
    Oncoming Storm--guess
    Roselyn Tylor--guess
    Keatheran--made it up
    FatherAbel--Trinity Blood
    Healbotatron--made it up
    Tnannet Davyyd--I'll let you figureit out
    Orindell--made it up
    Courwin--made it up
    Caboose-- RvsB
    Argashia--made up
    Heeroyuy--Gundam W
    Jennysmith--guess yet again
    Johnsmith--same as above
    After the last season looks like you need to be adding River Song to that alt list.

  9. #9


    Quote Originally Posted by mudfud View Post
    After the last season looks like you need to be adding River Song to that alt list.
    uhmm I have her, too. I just forgot! that's just a partial list of my characters...
    +The Goddess of Tempest's Spine+Merc's Only, THELANIS: List is here: LEGIONNAIRE /Salute to Rameses, He has RETURNED!

  10. #10
    Community Member Munesai's Avatar
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    My character, Munesai, is modeled after Miyamoto Musashi and is a blend of the names Yagyu Munenori and Shinmen Munisai.
    Here is the story:
    Shinmen Munisai (新免 無二斎?), also called Hirata Munisai, was a martial artist, expert in using the sword and the jutte. He was also the father of the samurai named Miyamoto Musashi. He was the son of Hirata Shōgen 平田将監, a vassal of Shinmen Iga no Kami, the lord of Takayama Castle in the Yoshino district of Mimasaka Province. Munisai was relied upon by Lord Shinmen Sokan,the head of the Shinmen clan and so was allowed to use the Shinmen name. He was one of the few to have obtained the title of "Unrivaled Under The Sun", title offered to him by the Shogun Ashikaga.

    Yagyū Munenori (柳生 宗矩?, 1571 - May 11, 1646) was a Japanese swordsman, founder of the Edo branch of Yagyū Shinkage-ryū, which he learned from his father Yagyū "Sekishusai" Muneyoshi. This was one of two official sword styles patronized by the Tokugawa Shogunate (the other one being Ittō-ryū). Munenori began his career in the Tokugawa administration as a hatamoto, a direct retainer of the Tokugawa house, and later had his income raised to 10,000 koku, making him a minor fudai daimyo (vassal lord serving the Tokugawa), with landholdings around his ancestral village of Yagyū-zato. He also received the title of Tajima no Kami (但馬守).
    Munenori entered the service of Tokugawa Ieyasu at a young age, and later was an instructor of swordsmanship to Ieyasu's son Hidetada. Still later, he became one of the primary advisors of the third shogun Iemitsu.
    Shortly before his death in 1606, Sekishusai passed the leadership of Yagyū Shinkage-ryū to his grandson Toshiyoshi.[1] Following a period of musha shugyō, Toshiyoshi entered the service of a cadet branch of the Tokugawa clan that controlled the Owari province. Toshiyoshi's school was based in Nagoya and came to be called Owari Yagyū-ryū (尾張柳生流), while Munenori's, in Edo, the Tokugawa capital, came to be known as Edo Yagyū-ryū (江戸柳生流). Takenaga Hayato, the founder of the Yagyū Shingan-ryū, was a disciple of Yagyū Munenori and received gokui (secret teachings) of the Yagyū Shinkage-ryū from him.
    Munenori's sons, Yagyū Jūbei Mitsuyoshi and Yagyū Munefuyu, were also famous swordsmen.

    Thank you!

  11. #11
    Community Member Ngha's Avatar
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    Little known ancient heroes,


    Widely known ancient heroes with an Ebberon twist to them.


    Cause modern times suck, all we do is play MMOs.

  12. #12
    Community Member Gelb's Avatar
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    Default Gelb

    Everyone knows, I always name my characters with "Gelb" at start. I love German language, so I decided I'd name my characters in german. And I decided to start with a color name so I could make a lot of names with it at start.

    Gelb means "yellow".

    Gelbseele : Yellowsoul

    Then, people had issues pronouncing the whole German name, so I went with "gelb" at start and English second word.

    Gelbfrenzy, Gelbmusic, Gelbsexy, Gelbwise, Gelbilicious, Gelbmystery

    Oh, thanks for the creative and interesting topic by the way!
    • Hellbound Angels, Sarlona•
    Gelbseele, Gelbsexy, Gelbstory, Gelbmystery, Gelbfrenzy, Gelbmusic, Gelbwise, Gelbilicious, Gelbshot
    Gelb means "yellow".

  13. #13
    Community Member rodallec's Avatar
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    Name all my toons far cos of all the good last names that go with the first name

  14. #14
    Community Member nordlav's Avatar
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    My first toon I rolled I used a character name from a GK Chesterton book I really liked. I then rolled up a bunch of toons on all the servers to take advantage of the initial TP bonus and to try different races/classes and playstyles. As a result the names are a mish mash of various sources of inspiration from: 1) trying to clever/funny, 2) books I've read, 3) obscure names of places, 4) stuff around the house.
    Some of my goofy character names were intended to be short lived (100 favour), but as I started playing them I like the playstyle and have kept them going. Later on I decided to put some effort in the names to be more creative, but subtle as well, to try not to offend the roll playing crowd too much, lol. I think one of my favorites is my dwarf wizard named Baaga Hammers.
    As mentioned earlier, sometimes the creative juices just aren't flowing and I take the easy out and glance around the house for a name, it may be the author of a book or a name on a map, whatever, lol. For some reason, I've never come up with Rolex, Diamonds, Ferrari or 30 million as names yet.

  15. #15
    Community Member Cobra13e's Avatar
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    All my names are ancient Egyptian in origin as I am fascinated by the history of that culture:
    Weret Hekau
    I also play a cleric/rogue to unlock Drow on each sever and name them all Zoloist.

  16. #16
    Community Member Maxelcat's Avatar
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    All my character names come from Either PCs i have played or NPCs i have run from table top.
    Quote Originally Posted by Tolero View Post
    Hireling: "Oh god, you're in trouble!" *heal fail* "Oh god, you're still in trouble!!" *heal fail* "Nooooo I will save you!!!" *heal fail* etc. but to the player, it just looked like the hireling was standing there staring off into space. He's not staring...he's thinking...REALLY hard.

  17. #17
    Community Member Dragonhyde's Avatar
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    My first three names are nicknames of myself and friends.
    Halflings Rule and never irritate anyone that can cast dispell

  18. #18
    Community Member karnokvolrath's Avatar
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    Karnok Volrath - Now taken by someone who ninjad me in a reroll - PnP Name of my dwarven fighter of talos. I swear ill give someone coin/loot/wahteve...pls gimmie my name back
    Solong Master - Old Cleric now deleted, just thought it was...cute...ya.

    Deadwall - Originally was a sorc, a bad pun on someone being dead in a firewall.

    Gasoline - Originally a Sorc (actually a bard but i remade him right away when landing the name), was suprised it wasnt taken and instantly thought "I hope you die in a gas fire".

    Gasolinex - Palemaster, Slight spin of my main with the imfamus X, cheese i know, but in my mind hes Gas10 or GasX, WF.

    Gasomatic Systematic - My Rogue - Tribute to the jackson five and more importantly e-40..i love those breakdancing little halfling buggers.
    Last edited by karnokvolrath; 07-03-2011 at 08:23 AM.
    Gasoline(tr) Favored Soul - 5th Life
    Deadwall(tr) - Soul Survivor - 2nd Life
    Gasolinex - Pale Master
    Gasomatic Systematic - Bard

  19. #19
    Community Member whitehawk74's Avatar
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    I mainly name my characters from anything I can see from my desk. I'm pretty picky about what I name my characters because they all have their own personalities. Originality is also important. Do you hear me 'Drizzzzzzzzt' ?

    Manadoll - She was going to be a cleric called Panadol but I had never rolled up a wizard. I love her to bits.
    Jemeneye - Old character name that I used to run
    Ramshaft - A stick of RAM that I have on my keychain.
    Rhinnia - My heater brand is Rinnai, so I mixed the letters up till I liked what I saw.
    Tahlulla - She was on "Doctor Who" at the time.
    Virginrose - I was looking for something 'Rose'. DoctorWhoFan knows what I mean.
    Stainpants - guess
    BearHammer - for some reason there is a claw hammer in one of my desk draws.
    KnockDead - No idea. It just came to me and wasnt taken.

    Looseleaf Binder: He is a Half-Elven Rogue AA. I dont play him at the moment, but I just love the name.
    Last edited by whitehawk74; 07-03-2011 at 08:30 AM.
    My demands are simple. Ducks, penguins and tortoises as pets. I'll buy hats and bow-ties for them all.

  20. #20
    Community Member whitehawk74's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mudfud View Post
    After the last season looks like you need to be adding River Song to that alt list.
    .. and Melody Pond (I guess she will need to be a bard)

    Excellent thread topic. So much REP to you I have often wondered where people got their names.
    Last edited by whitehawk74; 07-03-2011 at 08:33 AM.
    My demands are simple. Ducks, penguins and tortoises as pets. I'll buy hats and bow-ties for them all.

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