Thanks for all your varied opinions (: it's been quite interesting to read through all the voicing of opinions this incident has spawned. People seem to fit into one of two categories: the free market, mercenary, what-you-pull-is-yours-to-sell-or-do-as-you-please-with, or the keep-it-or-put-it-up-for-roll camp. On reflection I can see some merit in the former philosophy: if someone pulls something they don't need, they can still make a profit off of it and both they and the purchaser will be happy with the end results. Personally, though, I still remain firmly in the non-selling camp - probably most of all because from a low-level on people encouraged me to roll on items I needed that they pulled, and the friendly atmosphere that that inspires is part of what keeps me a part of DDO in the first place.
It's funny, though.. As loathe as I am to compare DDO to real world politics, I can't help but draw parallels between schools of American political thought and personal policies on playing the game and dealing with loot. But I digress, that's the last thing I'd want to pull into this discussion.. Just an interesting sidenote.
To the person who suggested they would have reported me for harassment - I can't help but think you're misreading the sutuation. I wasn't trying to ostracize anyone, I was simply offering ano incentive for others to use my looting system in a way similar to the way the seller was incentivizing his looting system. I'm quite certain there were no hard feelings - I /telled the seller afterwards and congratulated him on his boots, and then told him I certainly don't have anything against him personally. Then he tried to buy my SoS scroll (not for sale.. Someday, eSoS, you will be mine). I like to think it was all taken in good humor, and while I look down on the behavior of that particular player as against the spirit of the game, I don't think I did anything harassing or abusive.
That said, do keep the opinions coming.. It's entertaining to see which side people fall on regarding this issue! Especually the people whose character names I recognize (:
By the way - sorry if my spelling or formatting are less than spectacular.. I'm writing this on a Blackberry in the back of a moving car (: