One of my guildies put up an LFM for Reaver's Fate last night, and being on the seemingly endless search for Ventilated Bracers and a Head of Good Luck (I'll conquer the Cabal trap yet!) and off-timer, I joined along. I've got about ten RF runs under my belt, and I've had much better luck lootwise with it than any other raid – in those ten runs, I've gotten Madstone Boots twice (the first time I pulled them myself, the second time I wouldn't have rolled on them but nobody else wanted them! Yay caster raids), along with the Madstone Shield, Cloudburst, Dreamspitter, the Amulet, Treason, and the Ring of Lies. Naturally, then, I wasn't looking for anything but those two lovely items. But I digress – the raid filled up, with several people I know and like and then a few more I'd never met. It was a heavily melee party. At around 10/12 slots filled, people started going into the dungeon to wait inside, myself included, and somebody said something to this effect:
“Anyone who pulls Boots, I'll trade you an LDS for them.”
Now, I didn't care much about the boots personally, already having them, and my guildie and the several other people I knew didn't need or want them either, but that seemed a bit off. I've never seen anyone try to buy raid loot before. So, being a Chaotic Neutral sort of trouble-stirrer, I said something to the extent of:
“Buying raid loot? That's really classy

Several other people voiced their annoyance at that kind of playstyle, and the leader said in frank terms that anyone buying raid loot would not be welcome in future raids he leads. He told me personally then that he asked the person in question to refrain from that behavior or leave, but he refused. After a few rude messages in party chat, the would-be purchaser said:
“If you want to play Carella's way [my way] you can keep your boots or put them up for roll. If you have any common sense though, you can sell them to me and make a small fortune.”
And of course I had to be a smart aleck:
“I take it back, you're totally right. It's your game, play however you like =) fine with me.”
“And on a completely unrelated note, anyone who pulls Boots and keeps them or puts them up for roll will receive an LDS and large stone.”
Because I just couldn't resist. So of course, he responds:
“I'll give a FRDS and four LDS's for them. Beat that, big mouth.”
Well, I don't have any flawless reds, and offering that value in larges or anything else seems awfully silly at this point. But I was also being egged on and offered donations by various other party members (none of whom actually wanted the boots themselves). Still, I thought there might be a stronger impact if I linked something directly, so I gave it one more shot:
“Anyone who keeps the boots or puts them up for roll can have this nifty piece of paper I found the other day... Scroll Of The Sword Of Shadows”
To finish up – I'm not sure what the level 18 rogue who pulled the Madstone Boots got for them in trade (yes, the purchaser ended up getting them) but I'm sure he did pretty well for himself. In retrospect I certainly don't have any hard feelings about it, though there may be a few people on Cannith who won't want to party with them for a while. I'm actually pretty glad I didn't have to give up any of my loot just because I'm obstinate, too

Although I'm a bit curious what the final price ended up being. And on a sort of related note... Was I sort of being a jerk? Do people bid on or purchase raid loot frequently (not counting Shroud ingredients, obviously)? Because I'm relatively new to the game, but I've only ever seen it once in dozens and dozens of raids.