Okay, so I'm pretty new, my highest is my level 7 halfling rogue assassin on the Dark Blade path. I'm really liking it, but the thing is... I feel under par much of the time. I am less than 50 favor from getting the drow for free. I was considering deleting my character and making a drow once I unlock it and going on a custom path from the start. I was looking around, and see a bunch of.... wouldn't say arguments, more like a difference in opinion, about how an assassin rogue should be built. It seems the two main types of builds are str oriented, where as others are dex/int oriented, the latter seeming better with weapon finesse. I was just wondering if anyone could give me some advice for an end game build that would be all around good, as in a great trap person, but be able to dish out huge damage as well, all the while not getting slaughtered due to a low con score. As I said, keep in mind that I'm new, so try to newb it down a bit for me.
OffTopic: The collectors backs are bound to account. I know this means I need to use a shared bank to transfer it, but am I able to mail it to another character on my account?