I understand that to get many spells to stick in Epic Play its advised to have DC "In the 40's", but how do people get those DCs?
Well race matters I'm sure, but just take a random human Sorcerer.
* He gets that 18 at 1st lvl +2 Human bonus.
* He gets +5 over the course of his career hitting the human ceiling of 25 ability modifier.
* He gets a +6 (or +7 for the ToD rings) Charisma item.
* He snags a +4 Tome ( a very rare and coveted item I do not have)
So right now we are at casting stat of 35 or 36 (the latter +13 mod; so his spells have a DC of 32 assuming they are all heightened to 9nth lvl)
He gets Greater Spell focus (+2) or an item that does the same. (DC 34)
Now what? Even exceptional Charisma only goes up to what, +3 which adds a +1 modifier, pop in Sorcerer Charisma III Enhancement and you get a total additional modifier of +4 or DC 37?
Right now I have DCs of 30 and 31, with savant power hitting DC 37. How do people get their DCs "in the 40's"? I assume these DCs are in Enchantment and Necromancy, albeit evocations may allow a save for 1/2 so having things always fail their saves means 2x the damage as opposed to always having them pass.