My brother and I are looking to play with some guild officers/leaders, to get to know more guilds on Cannith. I think almost everyone knows which guilds are essentially for new players, and which ones are good ones. From what I have observed a good guild is one that gets to know potential members before inviting them, but I am having trouble playing with guilds with the specific purpose of both them checking me out and me checking them out.
So if you are reading this please send me a Tell; 'Theolupus Spawn of Beli'(or send a tell to my brother 'Gwolfe Spawn of Beli') we're looking to both join the same guild as we play together every day.
My alt is Theoadept(lvl 20 Monk) and Gwolfe's alt is Cademus(lvl 20 Paladin).
Our play style is professional xp farming, typically shoot for 1000xp/min farming of all quests as we do not have much time to play. We play from Mon-Fri 6-9pm EST, + Saturdays and Sundays. I am F2P but I have all current packs.(Gwolfe likewise)