Could also answer the question by answering what are baddies' AC?

I guess there's three categories I'm curious about.
1. High level, non-epic quests (Amrath, etc.)
2. Raids
3. Epics

My motivation is this: I took a break from the game for a few months and now I'm back. In that time there've been some changes. One of these changes is Stunning Fist using character levels instead monk levels, which now makes it too good to pass up for my Valiance build character. (Right?) Potentially on the chopping block to swap for Stunning Fist could be Power Attack, Empower Spell, Weapon Finesse. I'm leaning toward Weapon Finesse being the weakest link... as long as I can still hit most things. (There's currently a +2 bonus difference between my Dex and Str.)