Forgive me the controversial title, I mostly want to talk about GS weapons here.
I have been playing for about half a year now and dont have that much gametime, so I dont have a lot of larges to make double-shard greensteel. But with cannith crafting, I somehow feel that the necessity of having greensteel weapons has declined. Of course, green steel accessories with their stacking hp and sp are still top-notch and Ill try to make them for any higher level char, but at the moment, if somebody is low on larges, I think its smarter not to make any double-shard weapons (and single shard weapons arent really worth it except maybe triple pos) and spend all larges on accessories. I wonder if its even worth making the blanks..
The reasons:
-Its easy to reach useful levels in cannith crafting (35-40) and powergamers have already hit the cap and can craft greater banes
-holy banes are cheap to craft (about 25-30k plat for essences at going rates, also need some cheaper collectables)
-a silver weapon is the most expensive crafting ingredient, but still goes for less than a single large devil scale, far less if its not a khopesh
Do you still make dual-shard weapons? Do you think its still good to make two of them for every char? My bard certainly wont get any GS weapons in the near future...