"The two class Skills for a Sorcerer are Bluff (Charisma-based) and Concentration (Wisdom-based). Every other Skill is non-class for a Sorcerer, so putting points into them at level will be at a reduced efficiency and at a digression from the Sorcerer class Skills. So if you are going to build on Skills as a Sorcerer, build on Bluff and Concentration. But if your build is not Drow Elf or Human, then you will likely only receive one Skill Point at each level (as Intelligence should not be built higher than minimum). If you only have one Skill Point to distribute at level, then put it into Bluff. If you have two, put them into Bluff and Concentration. Also, practice getting good at using the Bluff Skill, as your Sorcerer will be a master at it at some point."
I received this over in game chat so I don't know who wrote it, but I would like to commend the author for altering how I think about my sorc. Anyone have a lesser heart for sale?