Last edited by adamkatt; 08-08-2011 at 09:45 AM.
Outatime Exodus-Cradle of Life:Thelanis
This character is dedicated to a once great game destroyed by a greedy corperation.. Goodbye Star Wars Galaxays!
This is WAI and works fine. If you don't have the Reflex to save on the hold, or the resists/protection/HP to save on the damage, then don't fight any Water Savants.. UMD Fire Shield and make the save you'll take like no damage.
Incorrect. But even if you were right, do you really want to go by the book for spells? That means ranged spells would need to make a touch attack much of time. Oh wait, we don't even have a touch AC implimented in game. Most healing spells would also be touch range only. Damage spells would hit friend and foe alike. You could not stand on top of a friendly player and swing with them, you would have to be 5ft apart.
Seriously, attacking someone's D&D knowledge in this case is just sad.
That's not entirely fair. All the changes you list are deliberate changes made so that the system works in a video game format. Requiring line-of-sight for many spells (ie finger of death) has, equally deliberately, remained, and because it is still a good design choice.
Probably requiring line of sight for the savant abilities is still the correct design decision.
However, the motivation for this must be in persuit of "good game design," not "because SRD said so."
THis thread is very confuzing to me...whats pvp?
Gasoline(tr) Favored Soul - 5th Life
Deadwall(tr) - Soul Survivor - 2nd Life
Gasolinex - Pale Master
Gasomatic Systematic - Bard
Ignoring the whole pvp part, can you icy prison enemies through barriers or doors in quests? If yes then with the type of spell it is I do see an issue that needs fixing.
The bird of Hermes is my name, Eating my wings to keep me tame.
Toons: Diclonius, Sempresno, Slitmuno, Slitmdos, Slitmtres, Skyfe, Calcatrix, Marcosias, Sumona, Tarokian, Etc.