Flawless Red Devil Scales for example. Currently prices around 1mpp, or 2 LDS.
WHICH IS CRAZY. Think about the two things which should determine the price of FRDS and LDS. Scarcity and Utility.
FRDS can only be used to make red dragonscale items which, while nice, are not really vastly superior to GS items that LDS's go into (any number of GS items). Now I realize for many vet's they already have a lot of GS and therefore are looking for the next new toy ie red dragon scale. However, the red dragonscale items while nice, I really don't think justify the trade value.
I seem to pull a FRDS about every 3-4 eVons. I pulls LDS's about 1 in every 10 shroud runs. For most good items you need 5 LDS. That's 50 shrouds (and assuming really bad luck). For a red dragonscale item you need 20 FRDS, which is about 60-80 dragon runs (although some people have better luck). For them to be worth double an LDS, I would expect the drop rate to require more like 100 eVon's.
I highlight these two items because they seem to be the anchor (or gold standard) for the prices of almost everything else in game.
Moreover, now that spellcasters are WAY too powerful, farming epic scrolls is like old school Giant Cave runs. It's just not fair. So frankly, I think scroll prices are way over priced too. Scales of either type, which you simply can't really farm for, should be priced far above and beyond scrolls, which can be farmed for, day in and day out, without timer, solo.
Good luck getting an LDS or FRDS solo.
So, am I crazy, or are the rest of you crazy with your pricing? I expect a fair amount of flaming from the solo scroll farmers who want to keep their artificially high prices where they are.
*edit* You can of course solo amrath quests or DA elite or epic to try and get Shroud ingredients I suppose.