No longer recruiting.
No longer recruiting.
Last edited by Whitehairguy; 08-03-2011 at 07:30 PM.
To add to what Whitehairguy said above, we encourage new players to apply. We don't believe in spamming invites. If you apply, we'll run a few quests to ensure that personalities mesh. But we are ready and able to play at any level with any new recruit. Besides contacting Whitehairguy above, you can also send a tell, in-game mail, or PM to Rayvon or Gammorah.
Now let's go kill some stuff!
i would like to be considered for membership. new to DDO but 2 yrs on wow which i no longer play.
in game name is Olnon
just have to say I love the guild name many many years ago a friend ran a bbs of the same name where we played online via text games such as gurps autoduel and other things just brings back happy memories and by many years I mean back in the 80's
Beware the Sleepeater
@Olnan, check your in-game mail when you get a chance. We look forward to meeting you!
@Uska -- thanks!
We are still looking for like-minded players to join us! We are casual and laid back. We put having fun and helping each other out above all else. We would also be open to having small guilds merge with us. We know first-hand how hard it is to get a guild going, especially with all the large guilds out there to choose from. We do require trial runs to make sure it's a good fit. So if you are a small guild and would rather just join with us than try and build it up on your own, send a PM or in-game mail to Rayvon, Ghostwillow, Zinnagga, Whitehairguy, or Billuminous. Or you can respond here.