Understanding that this is a beginners' guide, and not a guide for someone who is going to be spending 98% of their time running epics, I'd offer the following:
On a generalist cleric, I'd put at least a couple more points into STR, take them from INT. As someone else pointed out, you can have at least acceptable self-defense or contributory melee capability in the early levels.
I'd second the recommendations for a section on the uses for turn undeads:
Turning undead (can sometimes be useful in the early levels, depending on CHA and enhancements)
Divine might (useful to enhance melee ability, but need to mention the base CHA requirement)
RS Bursts
RS Aura
Other (divine cleansing, healing, light) -- much less useful than the other uses these days, but having niche usefulness (e.g., divine healing being able to heal through obstacles)
I'd also devote some wording to RS abilities, what modifies/ehnances the burst and aura, and the prereqs.