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  1. #81
    Community Member fatherpirate's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2008


    as far as range weapons being overpowered...thier not.

    unfortunately, range weapon damage and to hit are pretty much as PnP

    so whats the problem?

    Melee weapons are not by PnP, melee weapons get MANY more attacks per rnd then the original
    game intended. They did this to keep the game combat from being boring.

    So range combat is gimped by proxy.

  2. #82
    Community Member Limey's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2006


    I play an AA, Tempest and a pure Assasin Rogue all capped and I agree with many here that a lot of people do not realise how powerful an AA can be.

    When my Tempest is meleeing I don't notice any more dps compared to when my AA is meleeing.

    When my Tempest is ranging I DO notice less dps compared to when my AA is ranging.

    I certainly don't think ranged is "broken".

    I would like to see:

    A minor boost to crossbows and other non bow weapons
    Capstone and Past Life for Rangers improved
    Manyshot left as it is
    Improve Deepwood Sniper (most lame PRE by far)
    Improve AA
    Make things like AA TOD set stack with Capstone etc.

    Overall I would rather they do nothing than:

    a) over compensate and make ranged too powerful then have to nerf it or
    b) make pointless adjustments.

    Also, does this "Ranged Pass" have any truth or just a rumor?

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