I'm listing the suggestions I would make for ranged combat. In all honesty I should probably be suggesting a decrease in ranged alacrity, especially for low levels, but I'm not going to bother because they won't take something back that they only recently adjusted upwards (and low levels are currently being treated as extra-special in terms of lack of difficulty).
The problem with these ranged combat threads is that it's only the people who are dissatisfied with their ranged tactics that come to the forums and care enough to expound on their dissatisfaction. Trust me, there are plenty of ranged users who go about their business in DDO without even noticing all the "flaws" in which the forumites are submerged.
For the sake of a balance of opinions, I'm simply listing mine that I think ranged combat needs to be nerfed, unless they want their game to turn into a plain jane shooter without any signficant difficulty at all.