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  1. #1
    Community Member Lyzern's Avatar
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    Unhappy I'm lonely :(

    Lately I have found an "elite-like" difficulty in finding groups for quests, it may be that my time schedule is not compatible to other people's (I'm GMT+00 or PDT+08 (I think)), but still, putting up a LFM and sitting for 30 minutes only to get 1-2 members is just sad.
    Maybe it's my "No rushing, no zerging, wait for buffs and traps" sign that scares people off? But I hate zerging and I'd rather go PvPing than zerging (And everyone knows PvP sucks in DDO).
    Maybe it's because it's summertime @ NA and Europe and people are enjoying the beach?
    Maybe it's because people hate me and I should go anonymous?
    If all of these are false/innacurate/incomplete, please get me an active european guild that I can group with

  2. #2
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    I don't hate you ! \o/

  3. #3
    Community Member Ugumagre's Avatar
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    I am on Argo and I rarely PUG, but the times I have done it was quite good, no zergin, fun.
    I am in Europe and I get up very early in the morning (I am an early bird) and I get to play with the late guys in the USA.
    Goat, Sammich, Poultry

  4. #4
    Community Member Cauthey's Avatar
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    Try relaxing your LFM requirements. Or, instead, join someone else's PUG. If you are curious about server volume, you can always check the Who tab to see if it truly is a deserted wasteland. Though, being Khyber, I highly doubt that.

  5. #5
    Community Member der_kluge's Avatar
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    Yea, I would relax the description. People tend to see red flags when they see those things.

    If all else fails, roll a new 1st level character and go through Korthos. You'll always find a group for those quests.
    Brigette; Completionist! || Aoeryn; Wiz20(3rd life).

  6. #6
    Community Member Lyzern's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gwenniez View Post
    I don't hate you ! \o/
    \o/ woot!

    Quote Originally Posted by Ugumagre View Post
    I am on Argo and I rarely PUG, but the times I have done it was quite good, no zergin, fun.
    I am in Europe and I get up very early in the morning (I am an early bird) and I get to play with the late guys in the USA.
    What about the afternoon when every American is waking up to work? And in the morning is when I have most problems :L

    Quote Originally Posted by Cauthey View Post
    Try relaxing your LFM requirements. Or, instead, join someone else's PUG. If you are curious about server volume, you can always check the Who tab to see if it truly is a deserted wasteland. Though, being Khyber, I highly doubt that.
    Quote Originally Posted by der_kluge View Post
    Yea, I would relax the description. People tend to see red flags when they see those things.

    If all else fails, roll a new 1st level character and go through Korthos. You'll always find a group for those quests.
    Maybe I should, but I really don't wanna party with zergers, I play the game for fun, not as a grinding job.

  7. #7
    Community Member Boldrin's Avatar
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    I don't know you, but I still think it's your 2nd choice... Everyone hates a slowby!!! Unless they're teaching.... Then slothlike actions are acceptable...
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  8. #8
    Community Member DarkSpectre's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Boldrin View Post
    I don't know you, but I still think it's your 2nd choice... Everyone hates a slowby!!! Unless they're teaching.... Then slothlike actions are acceptable...
    This ^^^

    I'd +1 rep if i could... just for bringing up the "slothlike actions" part....
    "Khyber Server" The Crown Jewel of DDO Main Alts. Darkelvis, Thickelvis, Almostelvis, Holyelvis, Lil-elvis

  9. #9
    Community Member Trillea's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DarkSpectre View Post
    This ^^^

    I'd +1 rep if i could... just for bringing up the "slothlike actions" part....
    You should be able to.. your greenis is not insubstantial.
    Quote Originally Posted by Philam View Post
    I nominate you as head developer of DDO!
    Quote Originally Posted by FlimsyFirewood View Post
    That tears it. I need to get a donkey.
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  10. #10
    Community Member DarkSpectre's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Trillea View Post
    You should be able to.. your greenis is not insubstantial.
    My greenis is in sleep mode for the next 24 hours if that helps...
    "Khyber Server" The Crown Jewel of DDO Main Alts. Darkelvis, Thickelvis, Almostelvis, Holyelvis, Lil-elvis

  11. #11
    Community Member Lyzern's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Boldrin View Post
    I don't know you, but I still think it's your 2nd choice... Everyone hates a slowby!!! Unless they're teaching.... Then slothlike actions are acceptable...
    Quote Originally Posted by DarkSpectre View Post
    This ^^^

    I'd +1 rep if i could... just for bringing up the "slothlike actions" part....
    Believe me, I run quests much faster than some zergers (Because they die), but that's not even the point, DDO is a game, it's for people to have fun, not a grindfest where half the party doesn't know what to do and just follows the others, it's not about being slow, it's about having fun while playing a game.

    Edit: The main reason I don't zerg is because people never wait for buffs or take time to think about traps, so they just go ahead hacking and slashing whatever they see like mindless gorillas and then die because they can't outdps the mob, because they don't have enough temp. HP, because their AC is too low, because their saves suck and because their Int score is 6. Buffed with Fox Cunning. Oh yeah, and because they're alone. Even if they don't die, they lose HP, if they lose HP, someone has to heal them (and I'm usually the healer in my parties, sure I could opt to not heal, but that would make me worse than them); and if I have to heal them, I lose SP, if I lose SP, I don't have enough to buff, if I don't have enough to buff, the run goes slower because there's no RAGE or HJASTE. You see why I hate zerging?
    Last edited by Lyzern; 06-27-2011 at 05:05 PM.

  12. #12
    Community Member NaturalHazard's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lyzern View Post

    Edit: The main reason I don't zerg is because people never wait for buffs or take time to think about traps, so they just go ahead hacking and slashing whatever they see like mindless gorillas and then die because they can't outdps the mob, because they don't have enough temp. HP, because their AC is too low, because their saves suck and because their Int score is 6. Buffed with Fox Cunning. Oh yeah, and because they're alone. Even if they don't die, they lose HP, if they lose HP, someone has to heal them (and I'm usually the healer in my parties, sure I could opt to not heal, but that would make me worse than them); and if I have to heal them, I lose SP, if I lose SP, I don't have enough to buff, if I don't have enough to buff, the run goes slower because there's no RAGE or HJASTE. You see why I hate zerging?

    these are not true zergers true zergers dont die, I think theres another name for these types of people.

  13. #13
    Community Member Calebro's Avatar
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    I agree. It's probably your LFM.
    The "No rushing, no zerging, wait for buffs and traps" is not a playstyle that lots of players enjoy, so you're already looking at a lower chance of getting people to join.
    Instead try "Need guide.
    ... even if you don't need one. Many helpful players that don't want to join your first LFM may join this one to help you out. Just make sure you don't let onto the fact that you don't actually need a guide, or they'll probably bail because they came along to help you, not because it was a playstyle they wanted to run.

  14. #14
    Community Member Aurora_nyx's Avatar
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    if you want to play for fun, put that in the lfm. I have no problems filling lfms I put up with something like "last one to join brings beer" or "HOX ~kill puppies, save beholders" and I get a laugh out of how many rogues join my shroud lfm when I have on it we're sacrificing the rogue to Harry. (of course we have the sacrificial rogue in party already, but still fun)

    Part of having fun is the need not to make up all these "rules" people have to follow.

    As for buffs and traps... having a healer and a rogue I figure if they want them, they wait or ask...if not I'll pick up their soul stones if they didn't make it thru
    ~Cari, Pikearella, Sheezza, and a bunch of other toons that kinda get ignored ~
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  15. #15
    Community Member Miahoo's Avatar
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    Personally, I avoid "no zerging" lfms. It sounds to me like "heyton rest, 40 minutes run, will start in 2 hours when a cleric decide to come".

    I understand you dont want people to Z.E.R.G, so try to put "fast run, no z.e.r.g".

    Buffs are nice to have, never a must, as most people have the items/guild buffs. With my bard I do rage/haste and playing the songs while running.

    You must understand others who want to complete the quest fast as possible in order to run more stuff
    - running 3 quests in 1 hour is much more fun than run 1 quest in 2 hours
    - some just wanna reach certain lvl in order to run high lvl raids
    - TRs and others kinda tired of running the same quest for the 10th time and wanna max xp/hour

    I usually join the "ip, byoh" or "starting in 2 minutes" lfms, as it looks like the leader knows what he's doing.. and I hate waiting!
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  16. #16
    Community Member Battery's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MiahooJunk View Post
    Personally, I avoid "no zerging" lfms. It sounds to me like "heyton rest, 40 minutes run, will start in 2 hours when a cleric decide to come".

    I understand you dont want people to Z.E.R.G, so try to put "fast run, no z.e.r.g".

    Buffs are nice to have, never a must, as most people have the items/guild buffs. With my bard I do rage/haste and playing the songs while running.

    You must understand others who want to complete the quest fast as possible in order to run more stuff
    - running 3 quests in 1 hour is much more fun than run 1 quest in 2 hours
    - some just wanna reach certain lvl in order to run high lvl raids
    - TRs and others kinda tired of running the same quest for the 10th time and wanna max xp/hour

    I usually join the "ip, byoh" or "starting in 2 minutes" lfms, as it looks like the leader knows what he's doing.. and I hate waiting!
    right on the money

    Understand a few things about why some people play fast also. Monks lose ki when standing around and it's no fun not being able to use special atacks, Barb's rage runs out so they want to kill as much stuff as possible before that happens, buffs run out and that's a waste of sp. There's nothing wrong with slowing down, I can play either way but these are just my ideas of why people play fast thru quests having played about every class.

  17. #17
    2014 DDO Players Council
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    What about trying the wording "Going slightly slower, waiting for traps, etc"?

    When you put "no zerging" in it sounds to me that you are telling me that you will get cross with me if I zerg (fair enough and that's ok). It's a dictatorial kind of instruction that puts me off.

    A phrase like "going slightly slower" is sounds more informative than dictatorial. It tells me that this is a group that may or may not have newer people in it, or at least people who want to play at a slower pace. It sets the expectations in the lfm without being ... can't think of the right word...

    I suspect that there are actually a number of players who may actually like this style. Certainly when I was a newer player I definitely would. But as you say, it maybe your timezone.

    It's *great* though that you put up lfms. I would like to encourage you very much to continue as I know there are those who are not brave enough. (And +1 just for doing that)
    ~ Crimson Eagles of Khyber ~
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  18. #18
    Community Member camels's Avatar
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    i think i joined one of your groups the other day. the LFG had the exact same quotes that you listed. it was the 2nd part of the lordsmarch plaza quest line. i had a good time. it took about the same amount of time and was more relaxed then some other groups i had been in that day.

    I was on oldmilkyjoe.
    anyways if that was you i will group with you anytime.

    but you might want to follow everbody's advice about being less demanding in your LFGs.
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  19. #19
    Community Member Lyzern's Avatar
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    Thanks for the feedback guys, I'll lighten up the description, but you misunderstood something: I like to kill fast, but taking 10-15 seconds to buff every 3-4 minutes is not a lot to hurt the "xp/min" thing some people look for, it's not really "slowing down" it's more "getting prepared to smack stuff"

  20. #20
    Community Member Calebro's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lyzern View Post
    Thanks for the feedback guys, I'll lighten up the description, but you misunderstood something: I like to kill fast, but taking 10-15 seconds to buff every 3-4 minutes is not a lot to hurt the "xp/min" thing some people look for, it's not really "slowing down" it's more "getting prepared to smack stuff"
    Yes, but what you believed that we failed to understand is exactly what anyone that looks at your LFM is going to fail to understand.
    See the problem?
    The "No rushing, no zerging, wait for buffs and traps" implies a dungeon crawl, even if that wasn't your intention.

    Maybe try: Fast is good, zerg is bad.
    That might bring more of the folks that you're looking for.
    Last edited by Calebro; 06-27-2011 at 06:56 PM.

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