Aye i agree, and i know this only matters on pug raids ^^
What i mean mainly was, since many (chinese?) WF barbs are running around with eSOS and red docent, i assume that when u can get this kind of gear, a DT healing amp docent, putting 20% on a tod ring, or having gloves of the claw (yeah eSOS is still harder to get than these). I would even say, 2 AP points on the enhancements line, for a free +10%. Of course this would be only for pug situations. ( i assume some are CON based even, since i often see "PA on"
in party chat when djinnis are dead on bases eV6... made me laugh a lot the first time with the still +10 bonus of a eSOS

I dont say that for you at all Dreaams i know your toons, and i dont critic anyone, everyone is free to play the toons he likes, even a intelligence based barb or a swimcleric !

And this is not at all to create a drama or whatever, it's pure observation. Since people can get a oiler feeder i'm totally ok with that ^^
All this was my point of view related to the title itself of the topic, nothing else =)
To put it in a nutshell : Healing amp hotswap = <3