Looking for the following.
Bracers of the Claw
Gloves of the Claw
Helm of Frost
Envenomed Cloak
Scorched Bracers
Boots of corrosion
staff of arcane power
Scrolls for Trade
Azure Necklace of Prophecy
Cloak of the Silver Concord
Crimson Necklace of Prophecy
Docent of Grace
Dragon's Eye
Kundarak Delving Goggles
Kundarak Delving Suit
Kundarak Warding Bracers
Ring of the Silver Concord
Ruby Encrusted Gauntlets
Belt of the moranon
Helm of the moranon
Ironweave Robe
Red Fens
Elder's Cap
Necklace of Venom
Raven's Talons
Sacred Band
Boots of the Mire
Greatclub of the Scrag
Ring of the Mire
Robe of Dissonance
Sacred Band
Shaman's Band
Siren's Charm
Marilith Chain (will probably need to work out a trade)
Cape of the Roc
Ancient Vulkorim dagger
Coronation Shield
Hruvayah's Medallion
Gem of many facets
Goggles of time sensing
Infested Armor
Misc stuff
+3 Greater Heart of Wood
Beholder optic nerves
Ring of the beholder
cloak of Ice
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