I'm happy with my Warchanter Horc so far. After I get the second level of Warchanter I was going to go Frenzied Berzerker. YES they are ugly, but I'm no prize so it doesn't bother me. My main problem is getting suitable armor for the musical thug. All my random drops are for pretty toons, which mine is not.
As far as the overscaling weapon size goes, I like it. Mine runs around with a Greatclub of the Scrag, and it's HUGE! My wf fighter is wielding Insanity and it's just as intimidating.
I hate half Orcs too. They are greatly overpowered with respect to the state of the game.
The main problem is that the melee builds get no advantage from defensive abilities unless they go completely defensive.
So unless you are building a stalwart defender with a shield or an AC paly with a shield a half Orc is always the best way to go.
Wherever you went - here you are.
The majority of WF immunities can be put on a single item. THE wf DPS line (Power Attack) has been given to Half orcs. That leaves half orcs with huge damage benefit and the only loss is 20(or 40 for 6 ap)HP and the occasional reconstruct.
Give dwarfs and WF +2/4/6 tactics or cut the cost to 1/2/3 AP. completely remove half orc power attack there's no reason for them to have it. at all.. increase dwarven axe damage to also give +1/+2 Stacking seeker damage. dwaren axe attack also reduce targets fort by 5%/10%.
That's a start.
And my half orc barb would still be better then my wf barb and my dwarf barb.
Nerf me.
Eulogy- oh ninety eight
Giving other (non HORC and WF) races added melee incentive would be a great way to diversify things, as long as you do the same treatment for caster enhancements etc.
Most classes take a big enough hit not playing an optimal race, no reason to penalize them even more by stacking enhancements.
I tried to make a Half orc barbarian, but like warforged to me they are too big for my screen, I just find them annoying when trying to move them up ladders or through tight areas, I couldnt imagine trying to move one through coalesdence chamber.
It also seemed half orcs run slower, im sure its just the animation but it just feels slower, ill stick with the uber race, halflings.
You're also down an item slot, or short other bonuses on that item, which may or may not be an issue.
Maybe they should be renamed to Eneko, half-Ogre half-half-Giant.![]()
Former Xoriat-er. Embrace the Madness.
It came to me via imagination in another a thread, so it must be true, this is how the developer discussion regarding the implementation of Half-Orcs went down \/
Dev 1: "hay! lets give them dwarven axe damage!"
Dev 2: "Naw, f#@k that, lest's give them dwarven axe damage that works on every two hander!"
Dev 1: "ohhhh good idea, and while were at it, give them more two-hander bonuses with Great Weapon Aptitude!"
Dev 3: "but that's the Warforged specific..."
Dev 2: "so what, WF have a few immunities that are really somewhat useful at low levels"
Dev 1: "good point, and once every now and then an arcane might save their life so, to heck with it"
Dev 3: "we balanced repair options against having a halving healing penalty though"
Dev 1: "shutup"
Dev 3: "gee what else can you do to trivialize other races for melee builds when compared to Ogrillion...."
Dev 1: "Good question,
Dev 2: "Two Words..... Power Attack"
Dev 1: "YES!"
Dev 3: "But that is the Warforged specific damage enhancement, without it they have no quality unique enhancements at all"
Dev 2: "I'm okay with that, we've already sold all the Warfoged we are going to from the DDO store, lets seriously bank on the new Ogrillion
Dev 3: "balance...."
Dev 2: "f#@k that. money. oh and i think we should rename them Half-Orcs, noone will know what an Ogrillion is.
Dev 1: s#%t, does that mean I have to remodel them?
Dev 2: "Na, keep the character model as-is. these players are far too stupid to notice that these are way to large to be Half-Orcs"
Dev 3: " /wrists "
Last edited by eulogy098; 07-18-2011 at 01:27 PM.
Eulogy- oh ninety eight
**********KNIGHTSOFSHADOW ***********
CUDGOCleric 16/ Fighter 2 TR2 AXEFISTBarbarian 20
Warfoged have 0 DR, that's not very amazing in my book. They have access to 1 DR for 2 AP, 2 DR for 4 AP and 3 DR for 6 AP and they stack with NOTHING. Noone invests in any of it because only rank 1 is affordable and 1 DR is worthless. (airship buff covers even that much). Again, Warforged do NOT have DR. 12 AP for 3dr... are you kidding me?
Warforged do not have any weapon bonuses. of any kind. They have Power Attack. It does 2 more damage for two-handed weapons then a Dwarf with a Great Axe or a Elf with a Falchion and at the cost of -3 attack bonus. And Half-orcs have it to. Along with actual weapon bonuses.
Immunities are mostly irrelevant come end game, you'd know this if you actually played ddo. You may debate that WF have the easiest time dealing with Beholders, but the reality is that noone has trouble dealing with beholders by level 20 anymore.
Seriously though, what game are you playing? haha
(and just to really clear you up about WF DR, in that it stacks with nothing- Barbs get 7DR/- innately, Monks 10DR/epic, Paladins 5DR/evil, Fighters and Rogues have no innate dr but their enhacements are far to tight to ever afford the investment (bet you my left arm there's not a level 20 WF rogue on any server with 3DR/Adamantine) And that leaves rangers. Rangers are the only melee with no innate dr and the potential to afford investing in the WF DR enhancements. Wow 3 DR. Awesome.)
Last edited by eulogy098; 07-19-2011 at 10:54 AM.
Eulogy- oh ninety eight
I like my tempest 1/ kensai 2 dual kopesh weilding Horc...
Hell, sorcs and mages still steal my kills...
Its okay, team sports...![]()