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  1. #1
    Community Member Alanim's Avatar
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    Default Rangers who don't heal themselves

    I've noticed a recent trend of Rangers running around quests almost dead with 80% of their mana left and it just makes me wonder "why". You CAN heal yourself, hell you can do it pretty well, and the healer saves mana. Dying and then rebuffing will costs 5 times more mana then you'd use healing yourself. Hell our healing spells are now twice as cheap, I myself rarely run out of mana even while doing all my own heals.

    I've seen quests where the ranger will be at 10% health for 30+ seconds while we get to the encounter where he just doesn't heal himself(The healer was empty on mana).

    We're a versatile class, don't limit yourself by not healing yourself, because the heal spells that you're neglecting is what gives ranger their survivability.

  2. #2
    Hero uhgungawa's Avatar
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    Most (and I do stress most) non Pew Pew rangers do no focus on healing. Hell, most of them get more HP back from chugging a pot. While I do believe all players should do what they can, when they can, in the mist of a fight it tends not to work so well.
    ........................................... I <3 22/7
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  3. #3
    Community Member Krago's Avatar
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    Rangers dont have to have the spell, but they do get access to wands.
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  4. #4
    Community Member efreet5's Avatar
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    What are they doing with those aps that's more beneficial than staying alive?

    If you have built in heals, then you should use em. It's not even hard to do these days with healing amp around. My ranger runs around with a set of dt (10%/20% amp) and a 30% dream edge. Used in conjunction with some Tokala's and the other Amrath belt, I'm always able to heal myself (over a 100pts at a time).

    Sure, it's less efficient than being healed by the cleric, but it is better than dying. As for the not as good as quaffing a potion...just by using a potency item and no enhancements it's still better to cast the friggin cure serious spell as the potion isn't a max caster level cure serious (lvl15). Whether in a fight or not, it's always better to be alive than dead.
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  5. #5
    Community Member Alanim's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Krago View Post
    Rangers dont have to have the spell, but they do get access to wands.
    I'm talking 20th level rangers, and the likes, Rangers have 4 spell slots and 4 spells, They SHOULD have CSW on their hot bar. Hell even 18/2 splashes should still have it, since the other two spells are either a very low level summon or longstrider mass(pretty much useless).

    Quote Originally Posted by uhgungawa View Post
    Most (and I do stress most) non Pew Pew rangers do no focus on healing. Hell, most of them get more HP back from chugging a pot. While I do believe all players should do what they can, when they can, in the mist of a fight it tends not to work so well.
    This is not true rangers do get more from healing with a pot. Also I'm talking about the time between fights aswell where you SHOULD be healing yourself(I wouldn't even blame a healer for not healing a ranger when no enemies are around, long as they have mana).

    Also as said below even with a mediocre item for healing I can heal in 70-100's consistently, and often do spot heals on party members, or just flat out heal them when no cleric is around.

  6. #6
    Community Member k1ngp1n's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by uhgungawa View Post
    Most (and I do stress most) non Pew Pew rangers do no focus on healing.
    To their own detriment. A tempest ranger with maximize and a torc is a powerful thing.
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  7. #7
    Hero uhgungawa's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by efreet5 View Post

    If you have built in heals, then you should use em. It's not even hard to do these days with healing amp around. My ranger runs around with a set of dt (10%/20% amp) and a 30% dream edge. Used in conjunction with some Tokala's and the other Amrath belt, I'm always able to heal myself (over a 100pts at a time).
    So do you run around in that *COUGH* uber *COUGH* gear, or do you swap into it in mid fight

    I too will pull you a potency item between fights, but not in the middle of one if I can help it. Tend to make thing worse if you're swapping gear in mid fight. And healing amp will work for pots as well.
    ........................................... I <3 22/7
    Sassy, Babbette, Migette, Snip, Phatass, Bimbette, Sassette, Wentch, Duelingbanjo, Jaillbait, Sticki *WARNING* ALL PM'S ARE OPEN TO POSTING *WARNING*
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  8. #8
    Community Member Alanim's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by uhgungawa View Post
    So do you run around in that *COUGH* uber *COUGH* gear, or do you swap into it in mid fight

    I too will pull you a potency item between fights, but not in the middle of one if I can help it. Tend to make thing worse if you're swapping gear in mid fight. And healing amp will work for pots as well.
    There is a point where pulling out of a fight to catch heals should be done and can help save a party from a wipe. there has been many times where the healer has been surrounded and I've had to help keep them alive, and yes I use swap in gear to heal.

  9. #9
    Community Member FrozenNova's Avatar
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    Your typical tempest ranger will take a splash of fighter or monk level(s).
    Feats with 1 bonus:
    power attack
    imp crit
    spring attack

    So to fit both maximize and quicken in, you'll need to be 18/2 fighter or monk human. This is "focusing on healing".
    However, you can drop either of those (preferably maximize - it's inefficient now csw is cheaper) and still heal yourself just fine. Invest in amp and get your torc and conc opp.
    The entire appeal of a melee ranger over a fighter is the self sufficiency, and self healing is a massive part of that.

    You can use ardor clickies to provide a 75% boost without taking up a gear slot. Works fine.

  10. #10
    Community Member k1ngp1n's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by k1ngp1n View Post
    To their own detriment. A tempest ranger with maximize and a torc is a powerful thing.
    I am curious how this earned neg rep. :/

    Oh well.
    Sarlona: Riyana | Ilyrae | Elaeria | Arlayh | Aryis | Lyanis | Yaera | Kyilsi | Malitae | Niariel | Laeriya
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  11. #11
    Community Member FlyingTurtle's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Alanim View Post
    where the ranger will be at 10% health for 30+ seconds while we get to the encounter
    Really it's not just a ranger thing, nobody of any class should be running towards the next encounter with 10% health. If your healer doesn't want to top you up, you should stand there and chug pots until everyone gets bored, or leaves you behind. Much better than getting dead.

  12. #12
    Community Member Bodic's Avatar
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    Empower Heal(min lvl8) works just fine and is cheaper on a Ranger IF you can fit it same goes for some sort of Healing Amp, Torc, or Con-Op item IF you can fit them.

    The best at healing are the AA Halfings a majority of them take the marks as do all in my Guild, but you rarely see them outside an occasional pug raid so they are not your average puggers they are solo-artists.

    Tempest is an all together different monster. they have little to no SP to begin with.

    Shall we call out the Pally that doenst use there LoH and Cure spells as often also, or is this a ranger only bashing thread?

  13. #13
    Community Member Alanim's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bodic View Post
    Empower Heal(min lvl8) works just fine and is cheaper on a Ranger IF you can fit it same goes for some sort of Healing Amp, Torc, or Con-Op item IF you can fit them.

    The best at healing are the AA Halfings a majority of them take the marks as do all in my Guild, but you rarely see them outside an occasional pug raid so they are not your average puggers they are solo-artists.

    Tempest is an all together different monster. they have little to no SP to begin with.

    Shall we call out the Pally that doenst use there LoH and Cure spells as often also, or is this a ranger only bashing thread?
    I play a ranger and have no experience playing paladins but I normally don't notice that problem with paladins as much, but don't they also have lots of short term buffs that eat mana?(They should heal themselves as well though if they can).

  14. #14
    Hatchery Founder Glenalth's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bodic View Post
    Empower Heal(min lvl8) works just fine and is cheaper on a Ranger IF you can fit it same goes for some sort of Healing Amp, Torc, or Con-Op item IF you can fit them.
    While it is cheaper, you miss out on the bigger bursts of healing that you get from Maximize. Between that and chugging a Superior Ardor IV pot before battle, you can do some meaningful healing even without the healing amp gear.
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  15. #15
    Community Member Furare's Avatar
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    My 20 ranger (1f/1m/18r) ended up being one of the last ones standing during a near-wipe in ToD Part 1. At least part of that was to do with healing myself. I don't have Maximize, Quicken, or a Torc, though I do have the Devotion enhancements, a respectable Concentration score and a Concordant Opposition green steel. Because of the "oh sh-" nature of the encounter, I didn't have my Superior Ardor clicky running either. I survived. The rogue stole the Judge kill off me, but what can you do. (It was kind of one in the eye for those people who think that drow rangers and rogues are squishy, muahahaha.)

    Point is, you don't have to focus on healing for it to save your life when it's needed.

    As for "little to no spell points" on a Tempest, are you serious? I have 594.

    (Oh, and as for paladins, my R2/P18 has two L4 spell slots, which are Zeal and Holy Sword or Death Ward, depending on whether I've summoned my beaters that session yet. I have around 300sp, three LoH uses, a Concentration of about 10 and my best cure spell is CMW. I am not going to be capable of topping up my ~540HP using my blue bar, not even once. I do have UMD through the ceiling and carry Heal scrolls, but I'll only use them if there isn't anyone around who could do it for free, what with those things costing money and all. And with my concentration score, no way can I use them in battle.)
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  16. #16
    Community Member Beld's Avatar
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    Default While maybe not the norm by any means...

    Quote Originally Posted by Bodic View Post
    Shall we call out the Pally that doenst use there LoH and Cure spells as often also, or is this a ranger only bashing thread?
    I tend to use my LoH as a fail safe to make sure the healer doesn't get a good group if I have wandered around a corner or we are split up a little killing multiple casters, I may use one on myself if needed, but find more use out of a CSW wand between fights.

    I agree tho, this shouldn't be about just rangers, as all classes should see to their own health issues between fights or when the designated 'healer' (I just hate that term btw) in OOM.

    Quote Originally Posted by FlimsyFirewood View Post
    Some people don't like to play hard. That's why we have 'normal'.

  17. #17
    Founder coolpenguin410's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Alanim View Post
    I play a ranger and have no experience playing paladins but I normally don't notice that problem with paladins as much, but don't they also have lots of short term buffs that eat mana?(They should heal themselves as well though if they can).
    I alternate wand and pots for both my pally and ranger. It goes faster on my pally because of the healing amp. Casting cure spells usually seems to be a waste of SP.

  18. #18
    Hero Gkar's Avatar
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    I never heal with my SP bar on a ranger. It doesn't make sense. Very limited SP, very limited space for heal enchancements/items, just grab a wand.

  19. #19
    Community Member Bodic's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Glenalth View Post
    While it is cheaper, you miss out on the bigger bursts of healing that you get from Maximize. Between that and chugging a Superior Ardor IV pot before battle, you can do some meaningful healing even without the healing amp gear.
    you do realize that 2 EH cures are better than 1 Max Cure and nearly cost the same.

    22(44) vs 37 for SP costs is a difference of 7 SP yet 2 EH net 50% more HP back.

  20. #20
    Community Member FrozenNova's Avatar
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    My self healing toon experience is with my paladin, admittedly, but the parallels draw very close (and often in the ranger's favor).

    He has both quicken and maximize, and conc opp and torc, and farmed up a bauble.
    He has 1.88 healing amp as a KoTC. (human, guild, dt)
    He has devotion II, and ardor clickies.
    That's.. 31.5*(1+0.75+0.2)*2*1.88 for 230 hp a cast, for 47 sp.
    He has 550 hp and 600 sp.
    That's a tremendous amount of healing - he is entirely self sufficient.

    Now, if I swap to HoTD, and grab a 1.3 amp item..
    31.5*1.95*2.97*2 for 365 hp per average cast. That's a lot.

    Also, the point of maximize is that it's faster. Otherwise, csw being 12 sp alone, we wouldn't take an amplifying meta at all. I'll often turn off maximize when incoming damage is too slow to merit it. Hence, in combat you can get away with just quicken. Hence, out of combat, you can get away with neither at all - no excuses.

    On a ranger, then:
    Devotion II, ardor, 1.452 amp (dt, guild):
    31.5*1.95*1.452 = 89 hp for 12 sp.
    = 7.42 hp for 1 sp.

    Assuming like most rangers you have a little more spellpoints than hitpoints, that's still a massive amount of healing with ZERO build investment.
    Last edited by FrozenNova; 06-26-2011 at 03:07 PM.

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