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  1. #61
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    Quote Originally Posted by Feralthyrtiaq View Post
    People SHOULD WANT TO DO what is generally accepted to increase chances of success in ANY group they join.

    Outside of PUG groups when you are questing with friends, guildies its different.

    OP is well within his rights....I've been turned down for several ToDs with my Sorc PrE U9, and been accepted into several and commended/welcomed back for future runs....

    Don't dog on the OP ToD can be a tough raid...

    It's a group effort...

    Know your role and be prepared or don't join...

    My DROW sorceror Thaumat will switch out Disintegrate for Recon "JUST" for ToD and VoD and I go to the EXTRA effort to make sure I can do so for both raids when I am off timer for them.

    Even if my assigned roll is not Reconning Anyone.

    I am prepared and ready to kite even if it's not my role to kite.

    I put points into INT on my sorc to plus made GS Cha Skills Cloak to bump up my UMD to Scroll HEAL and scroll cast RAISE DEAD.

    DO Your Research about the raids and your class to see what YOU can (should) be expected to do to fullfill your role in the group.

    Find that part of yourself that WANTS to be prepared and is willing to make a few sacrifices for the rewards a raid such as TOD (or any raid for that matter) can give.

    Not being prepared to help in anyway you can because you are new and don't know (but are willling to learn) is one this..

    Not being prepared because you INSIST on playing your toon YOUR way and won't listen and change is just HARDHEADED, a lil childish and says to me...

    CARRY me through this raid with your EXPERIENCE so I can have my loot/completion. OH AND DON'T EXPECT ME TO HELP I aM POOR AND CANT AFFORD THE REPAIR BILL
    Very nice, that's all we ask

    +1 rep for you

    And a spot in my TOD's if you need.

    Isnt that easy folks?
    Jadez - Completionist/epic completionist - 3 more racial lives // Jadex - heroic/epic/racial completionist - 30 Elf Sorc Installkill/cc //Sealfu Completionist/epic completionist PDK Monk // Sealls completionist/epic completionist 18 bard/2 Rogue PDK Swashbuckler
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  2. #62
    Community Member vVAnjilaVv's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Argo112 View Post
    Have fun in Abbot or soloing a base in ev6 ... dude.
    If I can't get into every raid in the game because of my build decisions I am quite content...DUDE

  3. #63
    Hatchery Founder Ganak's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by vVAnjilaVv View Post
    Wow, I guess when my Sorc finally get's boots
    Tossing alot of strong opinions out there about sorcs and about this thread about ToD LFM and you've not run on your sorc?

    The Nak Abides - Argo - Ascent
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  4. #64
    Community Member furbyoats's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ganak View Post
    Tossing alot of strong opinions out there about sorcs and about this thread about ToD LFM and you've not run on your sorc?

    what? tod is easy, just like reaver.
    Toastee McRoastybuns - Shinigamii - Theifing Slum - Bakabaka - Salsasnack - Tssst The Dog Whisperer
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  5. #65
    Community Member furbyoats's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ayspam View Post
    I ve put a lot of time in mine, and no I do not carry recon. Since my instakill DCs are just a bit lower then a decked out wizards, I carry circle of death, disintegrate, otilukes. No space for recon, but on the other hand I can DPS and kill orthon trash, help scroll heal whoever needs it, so I do think I contribute.

    I do have 3 tiers of scroll mastery, but primarily thats for my own benefit.

    Got no problems getting in groups, with or without WF tank.
    point taken, however you have the ability to fill the role if need be. but given the amount of work you put into your toon, you could fill a cc spot. most sorcs will not be on par with your build, and will be left either doing dps or assisting with healing when needed.
    Toastee McRoastybuns - Shinigamii - Theifing Slum - Bakabaka - Salsasnack - Tssst The Dog Whisperer
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  6. #66
    Community Member Lycurgus's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by furbyoats View Post
    point taken, however you have the ability to fill the role if need be. but given the amount of work you put into your toon, you could fill a cc spot. most sorcs will not be on par with your build, and will be left either doing dps or assisting with healing when needed.
    PSA-Toastee gives out unextended haste!

  7. #67
    Halfling Hero phalaeo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lycurgus View Post
    PSA-Toastee gives out unextended haste!
    Oooooooooooh! It's ON, folks! ON, I say!
    ~ Pallai, Chennai, Saraphima~
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  8. #68
    Community Member furbyoats's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lycurgus View Post
    PSA-Toastee gives out unextended haste!
    yeah? well Findael didn't grind out abbot loot.

    Toastee McRoastybuns - Shinigamii - Theifing Slum - Bakabaka - Salsasnack - Tssst The Dog Whisperer
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  9. #69
    2015 DDO Players Council
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    Dang Seals causing a lot of drama, aren't you? Just kidding bro.

    That recon you were asking about, that was the new Modern Warfare game right? Or was it the Tom Clancy series?

    At any rate, if it is your LFM then you have every right in the world to be selective. All those that a professing that Seals was in the wrong have never run with Seals as he will generally work things in a group for almost anyone (non halfling ).

    The fact that the kid argued and was not even willing to be a team player is the reason Seals blacklisted, something that he does not do all that often.

    Do not want to play by someone else's request then start your own party. Ah but you wanted an almost guaranteed completion and that is why you were clicking on his LFM, weren't you?
    The Great Gnome Conspiracy was here!

  10. #70
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    blah blah blah wall of text

    now hand me the chrono cloak shard ,seal.

  11. #71
    Community Member twix's Avatar
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    I've been doing a few sorc past lives for a couple months now newest one is a human ..i dont plan on picking up reconstruct as a spell ..please dont blacklist me

  12. #72
    Community Member Pfold's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pfold View Post

    Speaking of which, I have to find you another forum journal to read lewlz
    Well, that wasn't exactly a journal entry....

  13. #73
    Hero LordPiglet's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by vVAnjilaVv View Post
    I like GH too much to scroll it and it's handy when ur facing monsters that Dispel as a caster level 20 spell is much harder to dispel than a caster level 11 spell.

    I'm an Air Savant so I am not giving up Chain Lightning.

    I do have Otiluke's to it's a pretty easy choice for me....that's the spell I would temporarily replace with Recon.

    I went full Evocation which is why I chose Otiluke's over Disintegration.

    I still do not agree with the mentality at all that Sorc's are expected to be WF'ed melee IV drips.
    So it's not okay to ask arcanes to look after 1 member of a party but it's way cool to ask a divine to watch 11 members, including a tank who can receive a curse that prevents them from being divine healed.

    This is why I generally hate healing tod and vod.

  14. #74
    Community Member Xenostrata's Avatar
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    Allow me to jump in for a second here.

    Yes, you have a right to choose your own spell list. Yes, I/we have no right to dictate your spell list for you. However, all casters should carry reconstruct. You get a limited amount of level 6 spells, true. Reconstruct is one of the only level 6 spells that cannot be adequately duplicated by spells at a different level.

    GH, otiluke's, and chain lightning? Unless you are a rare water/air savant, you should only need one of those nuking spells. Even if you have high ranks in both enhancements, cooldown timers will make having that extra nuke pointless. If you are a water savant that wants some electric, or an air savant that wants some ice, turn to level 5 spells- you get more of them. Also, scrolling GH is much more simple (and cheaper) than scrolling recon. Reconstruct will often need to be caste in rapid succession and in large amounts over the course of a battle. GH needs to be cast once per shrine, at most, and as a sorc you will find yourself called upon less and less to party buff GH anyway after u9.

    Circle of Death? While situationally useful, there is little reason that this should be taken over reconstruct when a Symbol of Death + Wail will get you the same effect, especially since the spell gets 2 saving throws.

    Understand that sometimes when people put up an lfm they are looking for a specific role. When you join the lfm with a toon that you decided will be unable to fulfil that role (a role that most people do fulfil), then you should not be surprised when you get kicked out for someone who can actually do what is needed for the rest of the group.
    Fear the Koala.
    Jial, Wyllywyl, and an ever-changing list of alts.

  15. #75
    Community Member leon00000's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sealsniper View Post
    So today I put together a TOD run, list in LFM trying to run hard, very selective party, sorting spots, so it is very clear what i am doing....

    As a rule, as most folks follow, first i pull from Guild, then channel friends, then open pugs, then classes as a final need/want. Right or wrong my policy!

    I have 2 casters from channel so decline and remove casters from LFM. Yea yea yea, i know casters have a lot of DPS, not the issue here.

    So i preceed to recieve tells from sorc i declined claiming most DPS, linking his bauble, spell storing ring, 1 epic useless tiara or something. I explain to him (or her not sure) I am sorry but 90% of group are friends and only looking for healers at this point. back and forth tells are exchanged.

    So then we end of getting a sorc in the group to change to his healer, as most know TOD today is run when possible with at least 1 main tank for part 3 as WF, i ask the sorc (in an attempt to get them into group) if he has recon, he links back to me 50 recon scrolls, i ask him if he has spell and/or at least 1 enhancement point in scroll mastery and he states back to me you have a wizard in the party. /facepalm

    first way to make my blacklist, 2nd come on you can't spend 1 enhancement point for the potential future benefit of a party member is some quest? best case scenario is carry the spell, worst case pick up 25% increase to scrolls for 1 ap and dont be all about yourself and a little more about the benefit of others.

    /rant off

    I disagree firmly with anything you say. That is all.

    Proud member of.,.....Whats our guild name?

  16. #76
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    hold me leon
    Jadez - Completionist/epic completionist - 3 more racial lives // Jadex - heroic/epic/racial completionist - 30 Elf Sorc Installkill/cc //Sealfu Completionist/epic completionist PDK Monk // Sealls completionist/epic completionist 18 bard/2 Rogue PDK Swashbuckler
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  17. #77
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    Quote Originally Posted by leon00000 View Post
    I disagree firmly with anything you say. That is all.
    Move along, these are not the droids your looking for
    Jadez - Completionist/epic completionist - 3 more racial lives // Jadex - heroic/epic/racial completionist - 30 Elf Sorc Installkill/cc //Sealfu Completionist/epic completionist PDK Monk // Sealls completionist/epic completionist 18 bard/2 Rogue PDK Swashbuckler
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  18. #78
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    +1 brother in real life it's called SARs and a lot of people are have this

  19. #79
    Community Member Postumus's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Paleus View Post
    I think this thread and the ones about haste are illustrating that many of the people crying "dont tell me how to play my toon" need to take their own advice. Dont want to carry haste or recon? Thats totally fine by me. Want to be in my group? Sorry, I can build my groups the way I want to build them and you might not get invited so accept that things go both ways.
    Funny, since from my perspective I see a lot more crying here about 'another player didn't build/gear/play his toon the way I wanted him to!"

    You want me to carry spell X and spell Y and I don't have it or only have it in scroll form? Don't accept me. I'll find another group or start my own while you wait for your ideal group to fill.

    I agree with a player's right to build a character any way he wants. I agree with a group leader's right to fill a group any way he wants. But it's beginning to turn my stomach: all these characters or group leaders whining back and forth about who is 'right' in a customized video game.

    You find someone that doesn't agree with your build - character or group - just move along. You may never see that person again. You'll have more fun finding the next fun group than publicly wallowing in your frustrations in the forum.

  20. #80
    Community Member leon00000's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Postumus View Post
    Funny, since from my perspective I see a lot more crying here about 'another player didn't build/gear/play his toon the way I wanted him to!"

    You want me to carry spell X and spell Y and I don't have it or only have it in scroll form? Don't accept me. I'll find another group or start my own while you wait for your ideal group to fill.

    I agree with a player's right to build a character any way he wants. I agree with a group leader's right to fill a group any way he wants. But it's beginning to turn my stomach: all these characters or group leaders whining back and forth about who is 'right' in a customized video game.

    You find someone that doesn't agree with your build - character or group - just move along. You may never see that person again. You'll have more fun finding the next fun group than publicly wallowing in your frustrations in the forum.

    Proud member of.,.....Whats our guild name?

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