I've become concerned about the level balance of Cannith Crafting. With 100 Cannith Crafting levels that roughly means that each character level should result in 5 crafting levels of each type (or 1 crafting level of each type per pip). As such my level 14 character should be getting enough Lesser and Greater Essences that I should be able to go from crafting level 70 to crafting level 75 in all types at roughly the same pace as I go from character level 14 to character level 15. The Essences I'm getting from chests and the Essences I'm getting from deconstructing loot don’t come close. Possibly a character is supposed to build their Essence reserves up over time but I don't think that brings up the amount sufficiently.

Since Cannith Crafting is being added to the game, pre-existing characters should get a certain amount of levels granted for free on the presumption that they would have been levelling up Cannith crafting had it existed. Perhaps 3 levels per character level and 4 for VIP characters? Also, if a character is supposed to have developed a reserve of Essences over levels then some should be assigned.

Related, a character that starts as a veteran should get several levels of crafting by default (and, again, a starting set of Essences if intended). Also, normally a character leaves Korthos at second or third level and hasn't had access to the craft hall. However, this doesn't seem to be an issue: the non-veteran characters I just started don't seem to be disadvantaged (and my new level 3 character has higher crafting levels than my level 14).