Hi Everyone,
Anyone know the price for a Ring of Spell Storing?
Hi Everyone,
Anyone know the price for a Ring of Spell Storing?
I believe the venders offered me 302pp for mine.
You see in this world there's two kinds of people, my friend. Those with loaded guns, and those who dig. You dig.
Sounds too generous to be true maybe, so I think I shall avoid the vendors in this case, but thanks for the advice.
Anyone else with a non-vendor price suggestion?
meh it restores 75 sp.. and requires to be used 3 times..
In other words it's bad (imo) I bought mine for 800 k plat.
Just because I wanted to have the ring+twisted talisman+bauble+vile blasphemy for mass sp restoration.
The sad part is the clicking the ring for 3 times and watching the animation is not worth the time...
The only good thing about this (imo) , is that you can turn it into a epic ring of spell storing but to get all the materials to actually get it epic will take alot of time or alot of luck.I don't even know if anyone actually has this epic item( prob there are but like a very few select).
So in short for a person who has everything but the base item to get the epic version it's prob worth something.
To everyone else not so much.
Anyhow as I said I bought mine at 800k and that too me was pretty much a rip-off :P