There are infact 2 types of Ragequitting: 1) Ragequitting a quest and; 2) Ragequitting the game.
Rage quitting the game is a time honored tradition and only the very best type of people showed that commitent. It lost its effect somewhat when Turbine brought in the "Undelete" feature because the cost went from time investment to money investment to gain back old characters. Ragequitting the game really is a statement of love for the game because inevitably the quitter returns to the game they love, and now they can express that love by spending money on it.
Rage quitting a group can actually be broken into two categories: i) Quitting over disgust (which has further subclasses) and ; ii) Quitting over embarassment.
Quitting due to embarassment is usually because of a mistake, being unable to find the quest which is usually amplified by the mockery of other group members. This method is most commonly seen in Newb players as well as Noob players.
Quitting over disgust can be broken into two categories: a) Disgust at being mocked, zerged ahead of by other members, and generally being a noob running with your betters and not liking how you are treated and; b) Disgust at running with Noobs to ignorant to ii) quit.
Now the best way to ragequit a group (option's i a) and i b) and ) is not simply alt f-4 and go away (which infact is the best proticol when chosing option ii). The proper way to ragequit a group in disgust also is not to recall either, or even /death inflicting loss of 10% for no deaths (assuming there were none up to that point). The correct method is in fact to "recall" out of the quest before finishing, reenter said quest, thereby causing loss of 10% no reentry bonus then /death-ing even if there had been previous deaths while making a derogitory remark over voice chat to the rest of the party. Remember do not make comments in text party chat because those can be used by those with out a back bone to report you to GM's in game.
Hopefully I have cleared up any confusion that I may have caused regarding rage quitting. Anyone with further questions should reread this post a few times and if they still dont understand they should add my characters to their squelch list.
This has been PSA by Jonny Drama aka J$