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  1. #1
    Community Member Feithlin's Avatar
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    Default Rogues' UMD tools

    I would like to try listing all the useful scrolls/wands you could use on a rogue to make life easier. The list will include scrolls that can be bought from a shop, and whatever wand. Please tell me what I may have forgotten.
    They are classified by spell level, with indication of the category (arcane/divine) and UMD no fail score, as well as the situation where it is best suited.

    Low level buffs are limited, mainly because of duration.

    Level 1 (no fail UMD: 19)
    CLW is better in the form of pots (no UMD check and you find a bunch of them).

    - Master's touch
    Gives you proficiency in martial weapons. Useful if you want to use a weapon with which rogues are not proficient (and there are a lot of them). It won't provide proficiency with exotic weapons, but since DAxes are considered martial weapons for dwarfs, they will get proficiency with them using this spell.
    Also note that this scroll cannot be used for 2-handed weapons.

    - Protection from evil [Arcane/Divine]
    In addition to the +2 AC/saves, it makes you immune to magical control/compulsion.
    Best used as wands for longer duration: no fail UMD is 37 for 10th level wand, 28 for 5th level.

    - Shield [Arcane]
    +4 AC (shield bonus type) while using a weapon in each hand. It also protects you from ennemies' magic missiles.
    Best used as wands for longer duration: no fail UMD is 37 for 10th level wand, 27 for 5th level.

    - Summon monster I [Arcane/Divine]
    It is sometimes situationnaly useful to make the mobs aggro the pet and thus benefit from SA while they focus on it.

    Level 2 (no fail UMD: 23)
    - CMW is better in the form of pots (no UMD check and you can buy them for a good price in the Chronoscope quest).
    - Also try to have Lesser restoration pots with you.
    - At low levels, think about bringing Fox's pots if you ever have some difficulties on a trap (+4 Int for 3 min.).

    - Resist energy [Arcane/Divine]
    At level 3 (basic scroll effect), it grants 10 to resist the selected energy for 3 min. At level 7, it grants 20 for 7 min. and 30 for 11 min. at level 11.
    The respective no fail UMD for level 7 and 11 is 31 and 39.

    - Blur [Arcane]
    Provides 20% miss chance.
    Best used as wands for longer duration: no fail UMD is 37 for 10th level wand, 27 for 5th level.

    - Invisibility (also exists in the form of clickies) [Arcane]
    Very useful to run in the wilderness for a quest (or simply to quickly get the xp from exploring), or to shortcut the part of some quests.

    - Cure serious wounds [Divine]
    In the form of wands, it's a lot cheaper than in the form of pots. You will probably use it ofter

    Level 3 (no fail UMD:27)
    - Heroism, Rage and Haste are best used as pots imo.
    - Also try to have Remove curse, Remove blindness and Remove disease pots in your bags.

    - Flame arrow (also exists in the form of a wand) [Arcane]
    Lets you use (almost) free flame bolts (+1d6 fire damage) on your repeater.

    - Displacement [Arcane]
    This very powerful buff will give you a lot more survivability (50% miss chance). The only drawback is the very short duration (30 sec. with scrolls), which limits its use to specific dangerous moments (unless you can afford to recast it every 30 sec.).

    Level 4 (no fail UMD: 31)
    - Try to have Remove poison pots with you.

    - Stoneskin [Arcane]
    Another useful tool for survivability, granting 10 DR/Adamantine up to 10*Caster level absorbed damage.
    Best used as wands for longer duration: no fail UMD is 37 for 10th level wand.

    - Fireshield [Arcane]
    This spell both lets resist better from fire/frost damage (even with Evasion, you can roll a '1'), and damage your opponent. Note that the fire version protects you from webs.

    - Cure critical wounds [Divine]
    Doesn't exists as pots from vendors. This is the best healing wand you can get.

    - Restoration [Divine]
    To eliminate negative levels. These scrolls can be hard to use because those neg levels reduce your UMD skill check.

    - Recitation [Divine]
    For a short boost to AC, Attack and Saves (+2 luck).

    - Divine power (also exists in the form of clickies) [Divine]
    A very useful buffs that gives you +6 Str (doesn't stack with items) and, more importantly, a full BAB. At level 20, that's +5 to hit.

    Level 5 (no fail UMD: 35)
    - Protection from elements [Arcane/Divine]
    Gives a protection (a buffer against damage suffered in an element) for all form of energies. Gives 108 protection for 9 min.

    - Teleport [Arcane]
    A great spell for the lazzy people (like me) who don't want to walk from area to area. Guild ships now can be used in a similar way though.

    - Spell resistance [Divine]
    Gives you a SR of 21. **Not sure it can be bought from vendors, need to check**

    - Raise dead [Divine]
    Being able to raise the healer or an important member of the group at some moment of the quest is very important.

    - True seeing [Divine/Arcane]
    Allows you to ignore the blur/displacement some ennemies cast on themself and on their allies.

    - Stalwart pact
    **Need to verify if it can be bought from vendors**

    Level 6 (no fail UMD: 39)
    - Greater heroism [Arcane]
    A +4 morale bonus to Attack, Saves and Skills. A great buff, that lasts 11 min.

    - Shadow walk [Arcane]
    I personnaly don't use it because of the impediment to vision, but I know some like it. It gives a 40% enhancement of your running speed and a concealment of 50%. Good to quickly run your way accross a quest.

    - Heal [Divine]
    With this spell, you can basically self heal in most of the quests. It also lets you help the healers on their duty.

    - Reconstruct [Arcane]
    Same as reconstruct but for WF. This can be very useful if no caster is in the group (or if you are a WF of course).

    - Heroes' Feast [Divine]
    A nice all in one spell buff.

    Level 7 (no fail UMD: 43)
    - Protection from elements, Mass [Arcane/Divine]
    A bit better than Prot. from elements if you can UMD it with no fail, because it gives a buffer of 120 instead of 108 and lasts longer.

    Level 1 (no fail UMD: 19)
    - Grease (Solo only, mainly for Mechanics at distance or Acrobat II on melee) [Arcane]
    The save is fixed and allows to control the mobs. Even if the opponent succeeds his save, his movement is impeded.
    It can be used to slow mobs when firing from a distance or to fight inside the grease when you're acrobat (Acro II makes you immune to the effect), limiting the movement (and even making them fall) of your opponents.

    - Obscuring mist [Arcane/Divine]
    Grants 20% miss chance at low level.

    Level 2 (no fail UMD: 23)
    - Glitterdust [Arcane]
    Mobs are blinded on a failed Will save (no SR). Most will save, given the bad DC (12), but since it is an persistent AOE, some will fail, thus opening the way to SA damage. Works better on stupid opponents like ogres, orcs, half orcs (oops)

    Level 3 (no fail UMD: 27)
    - Sleet storm (Solo only, best suited for Mechanics at distance and for Acrobats) [Arcane]
    A great spell to get SA opportunities: no save, no SR, persistent AOE. Don't use it when in a group, because it will affect other members as well.
    The spells slows targets and makes them blind. It's good wall to put between you and your opponents if ranging. Acrobats are immune to the effect so can fight inside (*not sure: need confirmation*).

    - Halt undead [Arcane]
    It's the hold person of undeads. Mostly used against unintelligent undeads, because they have no save.

    - Searing light (also comes in the form of wands) [Divine]
    A good anti-undead tool since it has no save.

    Level 4 (no fail UMD: 31)
    - Lesser globe of invulnerability [Arcane]
    Can be used to disable level 3 or lower spells.This can be used to disable the displacement the bugger ennemy caster has cast for example.

    - Solid fog (can be used from clickies too) [Arcane]
    Can be used by a Mechanic to slow the ennemies coming in his direction.
    U9 has brought an interesting new effect: -5 to ref saves, which makes grease more efficient for example.

    - Crushing despair (can be used from clickies too) [Arcane]
    Mainly used for the automatic debuff (-5 to Will save) that makes Glittering dust more efficient.

    - Enervation [Arcane/Divine]
    Gives 1d4 negative levels to your target without save (there's still SR though), a good way to weaken your ennemies.

    Level 5 (no fail UMD: 35)
    - Waves of fatigue [Arcane]
    An AOE debuff (cone type) with no save (Fatigued: -2 Str & Dex).

    Level 6 (no fail UMD: 39)
    - Globe of invulnerability [Arcane]
    Inside the bubble, you're protected from many magical dangers: level 4 or lower spells, but also the special attacks of mindflayers or from Xy'zzy bees.

    Level 7 (no fail UMD: 43)
    - Power word: Blind [Arcane]
    Blinds your target with no save (with a SR check though). Duration is based on his HP and the spell becomes useless if he has more than 600.

    - Waves of exhaustion [Arcane]
    A great AOE debuff (cone type): target become exhausted (-6 Str & Dex, -50% movement) with no save (requires a SR check though).
    Last edited by Feithlin; 06-25-2011 at 12:02 AM.
    Thelanis: Nassim* (F12/P6/M2) - Talienor** (P18/Ra2) - Feithlin** (F12/Bd7/C1) - Stoneoak* (F12/M6/P2) - Hokusai (M17/F2/C1) - Ardence* (Bd15/F3/Ro2) - Matsushiro* (Ro11/M6/P3) | Argonessen: Luneargent (W18/Ro2) - Talienor (Ro20) - Takshir (Bd16/F2/Ro2) - Hiacynthe (C20) | Ghallanda: A bunch of pre DDO Unlimited characters (field of testing for post U19 )

  2. #2
    Hero QuantumFX's Avatar
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    Working from memory here and possibly already on your revision:

    Level 1: Master’s Touch - Available in the Portible Hole. Allows a rogue to temporarily add non-proficent weapons to his arsenal. No Fail: 19; Can only be used on 1 hander weapons.

    Level 2: Resist Energy Wands - Readily available via looting and the AH.

    Invisibility Scrolls: The Ukenberger channel on youTube is dedicated to showcasing all the fun stuff you can do with this scroll.

    Level 4: Restoration Scrolls - Removes negative levels and all current stat damage.

    Fireshield scrolls: Yes, you have improved evasion. No, a reflex save doesn’t always protect you from an energy spell. Yes, 50% of 50% damage on a failed save is still better than just 50% on a failed save.
    Things worthy of Standing Stone going EXTREME PREJUDICE™ on.:
    • Epic and Legendary Mysterious ring upgrades, please.
    • Change the stack size of filigree in the shared bank to 50. The 5 stack makes the shared bank worthless for storing filigree in a human usable manner.
    • Fixing why I don't connect to the chat server for 5 minutes when I log into a game world.
    • Fixing the wonky Lightning Sphere and Tactical Det firing by converting them to use alchemist spell arcing.
    • Redoing the drop rates of tomes in generic and raid loot tables.

  3. #3
    Community Member
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    Heal, reconstruct are 2 very popular ones

  4. #4
    Community Member
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    i consider the following essential on my rogue:

    scrolls: heal, fireshield, GH, hero's feast, true seeing, raise dead
    wands: stoneskin, CSW
    Best Quote Ever:
    Quote Originally Posted by Heronous View Post
    The clam can not be ransacked.
    Proud Member and occasional Officer of Identity Unknown (Argonnessen)

  5. #5
    Community Member Bodic's Avatar
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    I love Hypnotic Pattern, Grease, and Glitter Dust Just to **** the cheerios of the party.

    but I carry Heal, Fireshield ,Protection of Ele's, Raise dead, Resurrection ,Stonskin, CSW Neutralize poison, Remove Curse/Blindness, Restore, Greater Restore, Mass DW ,FW, DD, CK, Resatation. Expo retreat10th, Resist11th, Fireball, shadow walk

    Of these Wands if they have them scrolls that dont. did I miss any actual usefull 1's

  6. #6
    Community Member Feithlin's Avatar
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    Those spells were in the Utility section. I completed the OP and included some spells I didn't think about, like reconstruct and hero's feast.
    Thelanis: Nassim* (F12/P6/M2) - Talienor** (P18/Ra2) - Feithlin** (F12/Bd7/C1) - Stoneoak* (F12/M6/P2) - Hokusai (M17/F2/C1) - Ardence* (Bd15/F3/Ro2) - Matsushiro* (Ro11/M6/P3) | Argonessen: Luneargent (W18/Ro2) - Talienor (Ro20) - Takshir (Bd16/F2/Ro2) - Hiacynthe (C20) | Ghallanda: A bunch of pre DDO Unlimited characters (field of testing for post U19 )

  7. #7
    Community Member Zachski's Avatar
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    I'm 90% sure that Obscuring Mist only obscures enemy sight and not ally sight, so no blindness goggles needed. Note that this applies the other way around.

    Some testing with Cleric helped me figure this out.

    Grease, Sleet, and (Major was it?) Dispel are the only spells I know of that affect allies and enemies the same way.
    The guy who likes to experience every class. Except Fighter >:[ I don't like you Fighter.
    Hey Devs! Let's give Warpriests and Eldritch Knights some loving, kay? :<

  8. #8
    Community Member Feithlin's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Zachski View Post
    I'm 90% sure that Obscuring Mist only obscures enemy sight and not ally sight, so no blindness goggles needed. Note that this applies the other way around.

    Some testing with Cleric helped me figure this out.

    Grease, Sleet, and (Major was it?) Dispel are the only spells I know of that affect allies and enemies the same way.
    Thanks, I'll modify the OP accordingly.
    Thelanis: Nassim* (F12/P6/M2) - Talienor** (P18/Ra2) - Feithlin** (F12/Bd7/C1) - Stoneoak* (F12/M6/P2) - Hokusai (M17/F2/C1) - Ardence* (Bd15/F3/Ro2) - Matsushiro* (Ro11/M6/P3) | Argonessen: Luneargent (W18/Ro2) - Talienor (Ro20) - Takshir (Bd16/F2/Ro2) - Hiacynthe (C20) | Ghallanda: A bunch of pre DDO Unlimited characters (field of testing for post U19 )

  9. #9
    Community Member Kinerd's Avatar
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    The best thing about Shield (for a rogue) is that it blocks Magic Missile spells. Nightshield works for this too. I have no idea if either is available off the shelf.

    Invisibility works just as well with a clicky. You can get up to 5 charges, and 3 minutes is a lonnnng time to be invisible. (Or in Madstone Crater, jussssst barely long enough.)

  10. #10
    Community Member Feithlin's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kinerd View Post
    The best thing about Shield (for a rogue) is that it blocks Magic Missile spells. Nightshield works for this too. I have no idea if either is available off the shelf.

    Invisibility works just as well with a clicky. You can get up to 5 charges, and 3 minutes is a lonnnng time to be invisible. (Or in Madstone Crater, jussssst barely long enough.)
    Thanks, I added the informations.
    Thelanis: Nassim* (F12/P6/M2) - Talienor** (P18/Ra2) - Feithlin** (F12/Bd7/C1) - Stoneoak* (F12/M6/P2) - Hokusai (M17/F2/C1) - Ardence* (Bd15/F3/Ro2) - Matsushiro* (Ro11/M6/P3) | Argonessen: Luneargent (W18/Ro2) - Talienor (Ro20) - Takshir (Bd16/F2/Ro2) - Hiacynthe (C20) | Ghallanda: A bunch of pre DDO Unlimited characters (field of testing for post U19 )

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