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Thread: Healerless HOX

  1. #41
    Community Member gserlenga's Avatar
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    i was in that run on my sorc17 and healed/buffed dogs, pulled aggro out of middle, raised dead ppl, etc. ur welcome.
    Player on Sarlona since November 2006 - Now on Thelanis in 2022

  2. #42
    Community Member ballsz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gserlenga View Post
    i was in that run on my sorc17 and healed/buffed dogs, pulled aggro out of middle, raised dead ppl, etc. ur welcome.
    This is what I'm talking about, people going out of their way on that run to help make it work. The vast majority of the group did an exceptional job.

    I do feel bad not being able to remember everyone's names, I hope no one holds that against me.
    Last edited by ballsz; 06-25-2011 at 10:45 AM.
    WTT Large Bone for Underwater Action.
    Hellbound Angels - Hellspewn, Hellsscion, Hellstryke, Hellsmonster, Hellsnsanity, Cowboyup, Wiskie, Theralt

  3. #43
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    For people saying that better communication can solve this stuff, there are times when no amount of trying can get an idea through someone's head.

    Had a shroud run a while back. Pretty solid PUG, but not a speed run or anything. Got to the puzzles and one of the healers ended up in a 5x5 with another player. The healer went on voice to say he could solve it. He typed it as well. A little while later he came on voice again saying he had almost solved it until the other player jumped in the middle and for them to get off it. Then again, getting really ****ed off. Then he typed the same things.

    About twenty seconds after that the other guy typed 'need opener 5x5'.


  4. #44
    Community Member twigzz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ballsz View Post
    Just wanted to say AWESOME job to everyone who helped complete the no healer HOX last night. You guys rock!

    Short Story:

    Yes, we did have 2 healers in the group. Neither one threw a single heal though. You see before the raid started I stated, that if you don't know your way and you get separated from group speak up right away. That way I don't have to go back to the start for you. Of course we get this moron who does but doesn't say anything until we are half way there, okay... I try to help and figure out where he is, but of course he is no where on my map and he can't say anything except "I fell" when several people asked where he fell already... His guildy, one of the healers, ask if we can go back. I said sure, but he can't say where he fell and I'm not going on a wild goose chase. We continue on, and nothing else is said about it. We get to the quest, everybody knows their roles and the lost guy recalls. I kick him because he can't communicate with the group and I'm not going out of my way to help somebody who can't help me help them. We step in, everyone has been told several times not to move, the lost guy's guildy runs 10 ft. to the left. Okay, it happens sometimes right... We buff quickly and I run in to tank. Failed my save for bees and died from it, but all the dogs are getting charmed. Just figured we got a bad start, it happens. At this point I begin telling the healers to heal the dogs, because they are not getting healed. All the dogs die. It's just normal, so we get more stones and re-charm dogs, dogs are not getting healed. I begin to ask the healer's *** is going on. Then it hits me, the one healer isn't doing anything because we didn't spend 30 mins. looking for his guildy. At this point everyone in the raid realizes that the healers are trying to screw us. Me, my guildy bard(Gelbmusic), and a sorc(Acidtryp) with UMD take over and begin healing the dogs with scrolls. When the raid was pretty much over the second healer admits, he didn't know how to heal the dogs. Apparently his first time, but he didn't tell anybody until it was too late. We complete, not the smoothest run in the world, but we got it done.

    Great job guys! I just love the fact that we got to rub it in the disgruntled healer's face that we still didn't fail.

    EDIT: Added some names.
    Of coarse you guys didn't fail, you had Gelb in the group!

    Noobs make quest interesting! (like me today in ToD, without boots on)

  5. #45
    Community Member ballsz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by twigzz View Post
    Of coarse you guys didn't fail, you had Gelb in the group!

    Noobs make quest interesting! (like me today in ToD, without boots on)
    LOL Nice one TWIGZ! I can't say to much though I did abundant step into the lava once though... it was LAG I swear!
    WTT Large Bone for Underwater Action.
    Hellbound Angels - Hellspewn, Hellsscion, Hellstryke, Hellsmonster, Hellsnsanity, Cowboyup, Wiskie, Theralt

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