On Thursday, June 23, 2011, at 7:01pm EST, Over Raided of Orien has become the first guild in all of DDO to achieve guild level 100!
This achievement has required the concerted efforts of a dedicated group of guildies for a considerably long time. I'm amazed at how OR has really thrived over this time. We managed to hit 100 within the one year anniversary of the airships and guild renown which were introduced with Update 5 on June 28, 2010.
I wish I could name you all and not leave anyone out, but I want to thank everyone who has been part of the OR endeavor, past and present.
In particular, I want to thank:
Titanticus: Our founding leader, whose skill, playstyle, and charisma attracted us all to OR.
Bril: Our fearless leader, who whipped us into shape and led us to 85 and the ultimate airship.
Vanshilar: Our numbers man, who has been the brains behind not only the horse race, but demystified many of the mysteries of DDO mechanics for our guild and all the others.
Nixvali, and
Buffybot: The best officers that any guild ever had. Your skill, dedication, and generosity have inspired me to be a better player.
Flamicia, and
Fleck: Thank you for always being the best and always demanding the best.
The absolute BEST part is, for hitting 100, ALL guildies automatically gained FREE COMPLETIONIST FEATS!!!
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