*edit* sorry, my search-fu failed earlier. But I found another thread with the answer.
*edit* sorry, my search-fu failed earlier. But I found another thread with the answer.
When you do the required atacks to open the possibility of the finisher the icon changes to the move you prepared (set the finisher default skill into your tab, not all the finishers). Somethig like fire fire fire gives you the fire finisher. So in cases you see the icon dont use the move at that time if you dont have enough ki. Wait for a sec & use it then. Mostly this happens cause the game (IMo) doesnt recognize that you weasted more ki then needed for the finisher. There s another bug or how to call it, if you prepare the finisher the icon changes to the finisher & then it instantly changes back to the default one. Solve this by waiting 1-3 secs while hitting the enemy. Mostly the finisher is beeng misused by hitting the button to soon. To late cant be an issue.
Youl see that the issue dissapears as you play the monk more & more. Youl get the timing, get more ki per strike & have more base ki (depends on concentration). Hope the answer will help