Something I've always wanted in DDO but have been continually discouraged from is a Deepwood Sniper, I know they're **** and the only real excuse for using one is a rogue mechanic splash/DWS for longer ranged sneak attacks.
The thing I've always kind of wondered based on the ranger capstone is whether a bow ranger is EVER viable, a 25% attack speed boost pretty much directly translates into a 25% DPS boost in a game where active abilities are uncommon, how do the numbers stack up taking this into account? I've noticed that pure rangers are exceedingly rare, and bow rangers are practically a joke, I admit I would likely be an Arcane archer until DWS is either vastly improved, or at least gets levels II & III...
The obvious advantage of a ranger is that even though you're a bow user, you can at least pretend to TWF through the early levels where your bow DPS is abysmal and just tends to annoy the party as the melee chases the mob you've aggroed round the room while you attempt to avoid it.
If pure bow ranger is truly Viable, are there any good builds? Is it possible to be a good AC toon so you don't have to bounce away from enemies constantly?
There are some great bows in the game now, and some great armours for high dex users who aren't monks. Gear is no real issue for this. I've access to all the good bows already.