Hey All-
Elite Raiders will be hosting a few teaching raids during the daytime tomorrow for anyone looking to learn how to run a particular raid, or even to brush up on the subtleties of a particular raid.
We'll look to start around 12pm EST and will start with the Shroud. Based on the interest shown we can move to other raids, likely Von 5/6 and can go from there. I figure we'll do the more complex raids like Titan or Abbot at a later date.
Vets are more than welcome to join, but please do not expect a fast completion. These will be runs with full explanations given, and an opportunity for Q&A as necessary. I'm anticipating around 45-50 mins for shroud, and probably the same if not a little longer for Von.
Newbs are of course the target for this, so come one come all! Don't worry about your gear setup or dr breakers, I have extras I can loan if need be. This will be a great raid to ask any questions that usually would go unanswered in a typical speedy shroud.
Shoot me a PM if you have any questions, or look for me on any of my toons. I will likely be leading these on Mtz, pending timers.
Hopefully we'll get some good attendance, and can make this a regular occurrence. I'd love to see some of the general server knowledge levels go up.
ETA: I know there is already a general thread on this, but I don't know how much traction its gotten. I figure I'll advertise in the lfms and whoever shows up is who shows up.