Seems like 70% of AA's that I run into are drow. Elves are actually a minority (this is for ranger AA's.) whats so great about drow for AA? is there something im missing?
Seems like 70% of AA's that I run into are drow. Elves are actually a minority (this is for ranger AA's.) whats so great about drow for AA? is there something im missing?
its for the newer players who typically want something "different", and they dont have access to 32 pt build, so they make a drow AA (because they think drow is better/cooler than human or elf), usually a pure ranger, and never take out swords.
either that or they try that god-awful 12/8 or 12/6/2 wiz/rog or wiz/something/rog build i keep seeing (also usually drow when i see it, and in form, and squishy, and... yeah)
Nothing? Drow probably make the worst AA's possible, much like many other builds.
Khyber: Tachikoma - Minniee - Oneesan - Ibuqi - Muddii -Tachee - Oneechan
The Guardians of Golden Gold, because guarding golden gold is serious business
I personally wince when I see drow ranger AA, ive only met a few competent onces most are the ones that give rangers a bad name.
Had one in Echrono, the healers specifically said masses will be on so and so, in the bank, so if you want masses follow and beat on the trash. The guy stands at the back, dies, gets raised then argues with the healers you didnt heal me!! what do you mean I was in the wrong spot!! ive done this raid 7times I was in the right spot you should look for me and heal me.
not once did I see him pull out a melee weapon then on the end boss, oh hes in lightning form I gotta stop and wait till he changes or my litII bow will heal him. *** man!!! I said switch bows or pull out some **** melee weapons and melee him when manyshot is off timer ffs!!
I smell.... Drow Hate. Drizzt, I choose you!
yep, same old, same old, i find it funny that he does less than 13 dmg/arrow without the lightning, more like 10 actually with adding shock burst and subtracting holy...
by no means to i hate drow. i dislike incompetents who make all of their toons drow and then proceed to play them badly. i also dislike people on the forum who rail against me "picking other's playstyle", excuse me if i like people being more effective.
FFR: From now only group with Drow AAs that participated in the AA only shroud?
I have an elven AA and she's a blast to play. I go ranged until they get too clse, or they're paralyzed (from para bow). Then she whips wout her 2 vorpal kukris and goes to town.
I was in an eChrono the other day with her and there were the usual AA comments of "Yay, an AA they're useless." or "A kobold with a butter knife could out kill an AA." Well, I gotta say, it was some of the most fun I've ever had in a group. I'd have her go off on her own several times and hear people say, "Great now somebody's going to have to go grab her stone when she dies." But I never died. Long story short, I got some gloating in at the end because my kill count was nearly double that of the next guy in line. I wasn't rude about it or anything. But it was fun poking them with comments like, "Ya, good thing the AA was around to make this go faster" and "Who was it again that said a kobold could out dps the AA who, by the way, out dps'd everyone else?" They must have been talking about some super tough kobold....
To the OP, nothing is really so great about a drow AA. Nothing is really so great about an elf AA. For me it's not about the build, or the race, it's the player. I'd guess though that 90% of people roll a drow because of Slavatore's "superman" of the realms. (may he rot in the abyss for a few hundered thousand centuries.)
Drow can throw 2 shurikens!! oh wait...
Two reasons I see to choose a drow:
1) You dont have an access to 32build, need all dex, cha and int with 10+ stat and plan to use rapiers/shortswords.
2) RP issues.
Someone said drows can make good casters. (iono about that and dont really care).
Last edited by MiahooJunk; 06-23-2011 at 05:54 AM.
Server: Cannith
Mains: Miahoo, Miahoorog, Miahoohealer, Miahoohjeal, Miahoopuke
Interesting responses here, i built a drow AA because they get an enhancement line that improves their inherent racial bonus with Rapiers and Shortswords (a main hand and off hand weapon) so i could get the most out of my melee attacks when I inevitably get over run. I don't imagine this bonus really amounts to all that much even now when she's at cap but i certainly never ignored my melee attacks. DDO is very much a game of making good use of all the resources available to you. Built in spell resistance isn't too bad either.
As far as I can tell, people either play Drow Arcane Archers for the Spell Resistance, or because its the 'poor mans 32 point Build'. That said, I personally can't see the attraction. If your replying on Drow to have a 32 Point Build and hoping that it will improve your chances at having a successful Arcane Archer, then, no offense, but you probably shouldn't be playing an Arcane Archer anyway. However, if people play Arcane Archers for flavor, role playing purposes or as personal preference, I'm not going to tell them to reroll, its their character, and they can do as they like. If they start calling themselves the best however, with no backing behind them, I will happily state my objections.
And anyone that knows me knows I'm fairly keyed in when it comes to Arcane Archers of all forms.![]()
|| Arari - Cleric Rogue || Athyria - Satanic Mechanic || Ethirial - Arcane Archer || Tiarinlasa - Spell Singer || Zirron - Divine Avenger ||
For a -2 to-hit panelty (you can get OTWF feat to bypass it), you get the same with an elf (for rapiers+longswords, scimitars+falchions) PLUS bow enhancements.
And you get a 32points to put as you wish. but even for a 28build, lots will tell you that an elf is still better.
Server: Cannith
Mains: Miahoo, Miahoorog, Miahoohealer, Miahoohjeal, Miahoopuke
There is NO reason for an AA to take drow other than flavor, and it's a bad-flavor.
it's new players who don't know better.
I have a buddy that has tr'd his drow AA into another drow AA. He does it because he would have put points into int and cha anyhow and the dex is good for his to-hit. He really enjoys the inherent spell resistance and he rarely dies (less than barbs I see) so I guess he isn't missing the extra con.
Its not ideal dps wise but he does get some nice resistances that really are overlooked. He's a great player and with a paralyzing bow in his hands he can keep whole rooms frozen. I told him he needs to roll up a wiz since he likes to CC so much.