Khyber - Pilchards: Milfeulle (Completionist Sorc), Milreaf/Millefeuille/Mireiyu(20 drone Wiz), Eweca (20 Wiz at life 5)
Sarlona - Black hands & Black feet: Misakamikoto (18/1/1 Ranger at life 3)
And credits became literally worthless, bottom of the barrel currency. I had the best armorsmith on my server in my guild, was the second best myself (my kryat helms were 2% less than his), and I knew who the top 10 were as well - Rebs and Imps, and none of these traded on credits.
Credits were for people buying stimpacks, tools, low grade PVE weapons, and other consumables.
The high end game in DDO already sees alot of this where LDS and FRDS are traded for higher end stuff, but its nowhere near as bad as SWG, heh.
Would also like to see a comon repository for all the other **** i end up carrying around: ingredients, collectable, gems , etc....
With so many bags on so many toons, it's a real pain in the arse to manage.
And so Turbine still makes their bread, perhaps there can be a mechanism that crunches your bags into the bank thereby defining your total bank capacity... So, if you want HUGE capacity, you 1st have to have the bag then you have to crunch it into the bank , similar to inflating the COLLAPSED PORTABLE HOLE.
You'd also still need to carry a bag that gather as you quest... same would apply for that bag... you could individually load it's content into the bank or crunch the whole thing in thereby losing it, or whatever...
Yeah, kinda dumb to destroy the bags that way but seems if there isn't a finaincial incentive to building a system (ie, you need to keep buying bags!), seems unreasonable to assume Turbine will allocate the resources to develop it.
ASCENDANTS on SARLONA (viva ADAR!): Zaal * Screwz * Lorrz * Zill * HamHoks * Gusty * Grasshumper * Durzo * DrHurtz
If you really want to put your coin in a bank, then suggest they create a new shared coin bank instead of adding the ability to put coins in the normal shared bank.
If Turbine stands to make TP off of it, then they are far more likely to implement it.
Guys, just think of the concept money <=> bank.
A bank where you can't put money on... Just doesn't make sense???
It's like a car with no wheels...I've been missing this for a long time & seems like imma have to wait some more before this gets through...
Although... some of you are right, imagine this shared money-bank account gets through. Next thing ppl will start asking Turbine for is in-game credit cards. Imagine'hey can i buy that large scale from ya? You'll get your 500kpp at the end of the month....'
Server: Ghallanda
Icecoldy - Powerboy - Djezus - Gymz - Painkillaz - Bullldozer - Crytmachine - Hytz - Xtreem - Byceps - Mydget -Powersurger - Pixsumlox - Musix - Hightek
All my toons have medium bags (collectable, gem & ingreds) & I have a large coll & ingred bag in my shared bank. Just before I log, I put all gathered collectables & ingreds in the large bag & put it back in shared bank so I don't have to search all toons for's always sitting in shared bank..
Server: Ghallanda
Icecoldy - Powerboy - Djezus - Gymz - Painkillaz - Bullldozer - Crytmachine - Hytz - Xtreem - Byceps - Mydget -Powersurger - Pixsumlox - Musix - Hightek
It was long ago confirmed that this was the issue. At the time they set the limit at 4.2ish mil plat the game was not so loot crazed, even the best items looted were under 50K gold (I think 32K gold may have been it) and when the first player claimed to have 1million plat in total between all characters he was called a liar until he put up a SS to prove it - and then people accused him of playing 24x7. It reminds me a lot of the memory limit in 32bit windows, or dos before that. No one ever thought we'd need a higher number.
Could they recode to eliminate that artificial limit? Sure. But any programmer will tell you changing a variable type for a numeric field that is used in calculations in dozens, if not hundreds or thousands of places in the code, is a dangerous thing.
Not really.
IIRC, you cannot send mail to characters that do not exist. Furthermore, there's a good chance that any toon created whose name is one letter off from yours is inactive by this point. A mail sent and unopened for ~3 weeks gets sent back to you, so odds are highly in your favor that you'll get the money back. In three weeks.
Inconvenient, but you're unlikely to actually lose the plat.
I would love to be able to transfer money between characters with much more ease than the mailbox.
Disappointed and without trust in the powers that be.
Any bank that doesnot take deposits of money exists? No way!
Sainikudu lvl20 monk(2nd life) Drsainikudu lvl2 fvs (3rd life) Mittu lvl12/2 wiz/rogue (2nd life) sainz lvl14 AA Shakthi lvl11/1/1 rgr/mnk/rog soccerer lvl5 sorc.
i'v played some mmo with banks that had the possibility to store money (9dragons, more i can't recall the name but had a card animal training thingy). the best solution to holding\trading money i have seen was in flyff where the players could buy a stack-able gold token for 100m (maybe too much for ddo. could be set to 1m here) and sell it back to any npc shop for it's base price of 100m. also can store that gold token in the storage,trade or mail it.(mailing would be a bit troublesome here since the cost of mail is based on the base price,and mailing a stack of 10X1m items ,10m base price, would really cost in the ddo mail).but the shared bank should be able to hold them.
This Side UP
Gotta love how many people pop up appearing to be against a good suggestion, simply for the sake of being contrary.
This would be a great VIP perk.
Ascent, Argonnessen ~ Cleatus Yogurthawker | Isostatic Rebound | Mohorovicic Discontinuity | Angular Unconformity
Ghalanda ~ Feldspathic Greywacke
Yes! House K is not a real bank, they have no business lending and receiving money.
The patrons of Stormreach only keep the city ticking to pursue their dragonshards mining.
That's their real goal, hauling all the real riches back to Khorvaire. (and on X'endrik siberys fragments literally fall from the sky)
They just lure us mercenaries on promise of plat and gems that are worthless unless you live to return to the homeland.
All underequipped to put foot on X'endrik, and more and more arrive every day, as anyone can see in the Harbor.
And it's not just the bank, held by House K, the coin lords make all vendors be a scam, the twelve forbids free use of magic and House D monopoly the use of the only big forge in the city.
At least after so long they have seen the need to better equip us and brought a few enchanting devices.
(which is 'ancient magic', but not for powerful but because you can data them back to 2e)
Well we havent had the shared bank for 5 years but yah it would be nice to put plat there there to share with our characters easier.
Beware the Sleepeater
Something I'd like to see added, probably to the ddo store is a new type of bag for collectible, gem, ingredient, whatnot. These new bags, when opened act in a similar way to the shared bank, but a bit more limited and portable. Of course, only unbound and BtA items could go in, but each character on my account would have access to the same bag. It would function slightly differently. Maybe as a tab somewhere instead of taking up an inventory slot.
This solves at least one major issue. People like to pass bags around the shared bank but can't because in many cases they are BtC. Bags being BtC is probably for the best because of the problems involving losing items out of bags in the shared bank, this would solve that issue in a nice clean way. The only old style bags we have would be for BtC items. I'm cool with that.
As for the issue with cash transfer, have a vendor that sells an item that serves no purpose other than to resell at the same price that was paid for it. You can call it whatever you want and charge say 100k plat each. Make them stackable or even better make it a collectible so I can put it in my nifty new account bag mentioned above. So it's just a placeholder for plat and allows for easy transfer through the account bag, shared bank, mail and trade.
Last edited by redspecter23; 07-10-2011 at 05:34 PM.
Kaarloe - Degenerate Matter - Argonnessen